Deanery Neuhof-Großenlüder

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Deanery Neuhof-Großenlüder
Dean's office (Hessen)
Dean's office
Basic data
Political situation District of Fulda
Ecclesiastical province Church province of Paderborn
diocese Diocese of Fulda
dean Thomas Maleja (Flieden)
Parish communities 3 pastoral associations (2019)
Parishes 15 (2019)
Catholics 27,381 (2019)
rite Roman rite
Liturgical language German

The Neuhof-Großenlüder deanery is one of ten deaneries in the Roman Catholic diocese of Fulda . It roughly covers the south-western part of the Fulda district . In the east it borders on the deaneries of Fulda and Rhön , in the south on the deanery Kinzigtal and the diocese of Würzburg and in the west and north on the diocese of Mainz . The dean is Thomas Maleja, pastor of Flieden.


With the reform of the deanery on April 1, 2007, the Neuhof-Großenlüder deanery was re-established as one of ten deaneries in the Fulda diocese. It emerged from the eponymous previous deaneries Neuhof and Großenlüder.


The Deanery Neuhof-Großenlüder is divided into the following three pastoral groups :

Pastoral associations associated parishes and curatia with branches
Christ the Redeemer lilac houseleek St. Goar (Flieden) with the branches St. Maria-Himmelfahrt (Buchenrod), Hl. Familie (Döngesmühle) and Hl. Herz Jesu (floating);
St. Bartholomäus (houseleek) with the St. Maria-Rosenkranzkönigin branch (Weidenau);
St. Joseph (Handmaiden);
Assumption of Mary (Rückers)
Kleinheiligkreuz St. Simplicius and Faustinus (Hainzell);
St. John the Baptist (Kleinlüder) with the pilgrimage church Kleinheiligkreuz ;
Anthony the Hermit (Müs);
St. Vitus (Bad Salzschlirf) ;
St. Laurentius (Bimbach) with the branches St. Jakobus the Elder (Malkes) as well as St. Vitus and St. Elisabeth (Lütterz);
St. Simon and Judas (Blankenau) ;
St. Georg (Großenlüder) with the branches St. Valentinus (Eichenau) and St. Sebastian (Uffhausen);
St. Peter and Paul (Hosenfeld) with the branches St. Rochus (Jossa) and St. Nikolaus (Schletzenhausen)
Holy Spirit Kalbach-Neuhof St. Kilian (Kalbach) with the parish church St. Sebastian (Mittelkalbach) as well as the branches St. Laurentius (Niederkalbach), St. Bonifatius (Uttrichshausen) and St. Vitus (Veitsteinbach);
St. Michael (Neuhof) with the branches St. Josef (Dorfborn) and St. Maria (Tiefengruben) ;
Assumption of Mary (Rommerz)

Individual evidence

  1. Schematism of the Diocese of Fulda
  2. ^ Diocese of Fulda: The diocese in numbers . December 31, 2018. Online at Retrieved September 25, 2019.
  3. a b Diocese of Fulda: Digital Diocese Map (PDF; 12.4 MB). Online at Retrieved September 25, 2019.
  4. ^ Diocese of Fulda: staff of the dean's office in the online schematic of the Diocese of Fulda at Retrieved September 25, 2019.
  5. Diocese of Fulda: Pastoral associations and parishes of the Neuhof-Großenlüder deanery . Online at Retrieved September 25, 2019.

Web links

Commons : Deanery Neuhof-Großenlüder  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files