Deanery Fulda

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Deanery Fulda
Dean's office (Hessen)
Dean's office
Basic data
Political situation Fulda
Ecclesiastical province Church province of Paderborn
diocese Diocese of Fulda
dean Stefan Buss (Fulda)
Parish communities 6 pastoral associations (2019)
Parishes 22 (2019)
Catholics 49,079 (2019)
rite Roman rite
Liturgical language German

The Fulda deanery is one of ten deaneries in the Roman Catholic diocese of Fulda . It includes the city of Fulda and the surrounding area. In the south-east it borders on the Deanery Rhön , in the south-west on the Deanery Neuhof-Großenlüder , in the north-west on the Diocese of Mainz and in the north on the Deanery Hünfeld-Geisa . Dechant is Stefan Buß, pastor of Fulda, his deputy is Andreas Frisch (Edelzell-Engelhelms).


With the reform of the deanery on April 1, 2007, the Fulda deanery was newly established as one of ten deaneries of the diocese of Fulda. It is congruent with the previous dean's office in Fulda.


The Fulda Dean's Office is divided into the following six pastoral associations :

Pastoral associations associated parishes and curatia with branches
St. Boniface Fulda Inner city parish St. Simplicius, Faustinus and Beatrix (Fulda) with the parish church St. Blasius (Fulda) and the branches Heilig-Geist-Kirche (Fulda) , St. Joseph (Fulda), Severikirche (Fulda) as well as the Fulda Cathedral , Michaelskirche ( Fulda) , seminar chapel for the Holy Trinity (Fulda);
St. Elisabeth (Fulda) with the branches St. Sturmius (Fulda) and St. Maria (Fulda)
St. Anthony of Padua - Fulda West St. Andreas (Fulda-Neuenberg) ;
St. Laurentius (Giesel) ;
St. Markus (Haimbach) with the branches St. Hubertus (Fulda-Oberrode) , Schulzenbergkapelle Hl. Herz Jesu and Josefskapelle (Mittelrode) ;
Holy Cross (Fulda-Maberzell)
Johannesberg St. John the Baptist (Johannesberg) with the branches of the Birth of Mary (Istergiesel) and St. Judas Thaddäus (Zell) ;
St. Peter (Bronnzell) with the Maria Queen of Peace branch (Kohlhaus);
Christ the King (Edelzell-Engelhelms)
St. Flora Florenberg - Ziehers-Süd Maria Hilf (Bachrain);
St. Pius (Fulda);
St. Anthony of Padua (Künzell);
Holy Trinity (Pilgerzell) with the branches St. Antonius von Padua (Dirlos) and St. Flora and Kilian (Florenberg)
St. Lioba Petersberg / Fulda St. Peter (Petersberg) with the Rabanus Maurus Church (Petersberg) and the Liobakirche ;
St. Paulus (Fulda);
St. Elisabeth (Lehnerz) with the branches Herz Jesu (Bernhards) and St. Anna (Dietershan);
St. Aegidius (Marbach);
St. Nikolaus and Valentin (Steinhaus) with the branches St. Bartholomäus and Jakobus (Steinau) and St. Wendelin (Werthesberg)
St. Rochus Fulda St. Catherine Mart. (Glass cell);
St. Bonifatius (Fulda-Horas) with the St. Ottilia (Niesig) branch;
St. Lukas (Fulda);
St. Godehard (Kämmerzell) with the branch St. John the Baptist (Lüdermünd) and the pilgrimage chapel St. Rochus

Individual evidence

  1. Schematism of the Diocese of Fulda
  2. ^ Diocese of Fulda: The diocese in numbers . December 31, 2018. Online at Retrieved September 25, 2019.
  3. a b Diocese of Fulda: Digital Diocese Map (PDF; 12.4 MB). Online at Retrieved September 25, 2019.
  4. ^ Diocese of Fulda: Appointment of the dean in the diocese. Retrieved April 13, 2020.
  5. Diocese of Fulda: Pastoral associations and parishes of the dean's office in Fulda . Online at Retrieved September 25, 2019.

Web links

Commons : Deanery Fulda  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files