Ambato Department

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Ambato Department (Catamarca - Argentina) .png
Location of Ambato in Argentina
Capital La Puerta
population 4,525 (2001, INDEC)
surface 1,797 km²
Population density 2.5 inhabitants / km²

The Ambato Department is located in the center of the Catamarca Province in northwest Argentina and is one of the 16 administrative units of the province.

It borders in the north with the department of Andalgalá and the province of Tucumán , in the east with the department Paclín , in the south with the departments Fray Mamerto Esquiú and Capayán and in the west with the department Pomán .

The capital of the department is La Puerta , which is 46 kilometers from the provincial capital of San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca .

cities and communes

The department is divided into the following locations ( Localidades ):

Then there are the small settlements ( Parajes ):

  • Cerco del Palo
  • Chavarría
  • El Chorro
  • El Faldeo
  • El Parque
  • El Polear
  • El Tabique
  • Humaya Norte
  • Humaya Sur
  • La Aguada
  • La Isla
  • La Quebrada
  • La Quebradita
  • La Rinconada
  • Las Agüitas
  • Las Burras
  • Las Cañadas
  • Las Higueras
  • Las Piedras Blancas
  • Loma Cortada
  • Loma de las Tordillas
  • Los Narváez
  • Los Navarros
  • Los Potrerillos
  • Puesto El Medio
  • Puesto Gracián
  • Puesto Mascareño
  • Puesto Serafin
  • Río de las Casas Viejas
  • Rodeo Grande
  • Villa El Alto


The economy is based on animal husbandry (cattle, riding horses, sheep and goats) and agriculture. Mainly forage crops, potatoes, stone fruits and nuts are grown.

Web links

Coordinates: 28 ° 5 ′  S , 65 ° 50 ′  W