Department of Fray Mamerto Esquiú

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Fray Mamerto Esquiú
Departamento Fray Mamerto Esquiú (Catamarca - Argentina) .png
Location of Fray Mamerto Esquiú in Catamarca (Argentina)
Capital San Jose
population 10,658 (2001, INDEC)
surface 280 km²
Population density 38.1 inhabitants / km²

The department Fray Mamerto Esquiú is located in the center of the province of Catamarca in northwest Argentina and is one of the 16 administrative units of the province.

It borders in the north with the department Ambato , in the east with the department Paclín , in the south with the department Valle Viejo and in the west with the department Capayán .

The capital of the department is San José .

cities and communes

The department of Fray Mamerto Esquiú is divided into the following municipalities (Municipios) and settlements:


The department was named after the monk Mamerto Esquiú ( 1826 - 1883 ).

Web links

Coordinates: 28 ° 18 ′  S , 65 ° 45 ′  W