San Justo Department (Santa Fe)

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San Justo
Department of San Justo (Santa Fe - Argentina) .png
Location of San Justo in Santa Fe (Argentina)
Capital San Justo
population 40,379 (2001, INDEC)
surface 5,575 km²
Population density 7.2 inhabitants / km²

The department of San Justo is located in the center of the province of Santa Fe in central Argentina and is one of 19 administrative units in the province.

It is bordered to the north by the Vera department , to the east by the departments of San Javier and Garay , to the south by La Capital and to the west by the departments of Las Colonias and San Cristóbal .

The capital of the department of San Justo is the eponymous San Justo .

cities and communes

The department of San Justo is divided into the following municipalities:

Web links

Coordinates: 30 ° 30 ′  S , 60 ° 30 ′  W