Heaven on Earth (1927)

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Original title Heaven on earth
Country of production German Empire
original language German
Publishing year 1927
length 106 minutes
Director Alfred Schirokauer
Reinhold Schünzel
script Alfred Schirokauer
Reinhold Schünzel
production Reinhold Schünzel
music Giuseppe Becce
camera Edgar Ziesemer

and Johanna Ewald , Frigga Braut , Maria Kamradek , Emmy Wyda

Heaven on Earth is a German silent film fun play from 1927 by Alfred Schirokauer and Reinhold Schünzel with Schünzel in the leading role of a tireless fighter against immorality and immorality. The story is based on the play Der Doppelmensch by Messrs Wilhelm Jacoby and Arthur Lippschütz .


Member of Parliament Traugott Bellmann has devoted himself entirely to the fight against rampant immorality. Everywhere he senses fornication and immorality, and he never tires of making incendiary speeches against the general corruption of morals. For example, night clubs are nothing more than caves of vice to be fumigated. Traugott's newly wedded wife Juliette is enthusiastic about Traugott's strict moral standards, while the annoyed father-in-law, the corpulent and lively sparkling wine manufacturer Martiny, is outraged by Traugott. One day he puts the pistol on his chest: either Traugott publicly revokes his silly (and damaging to Martany's business) views in parliament, or he, Martiny, will not pay Juliette's dowry to the new husband. As if all of this weren't bad enough, Traugott receives another bad news that must have seemed like the temptation par excellence: His recently deceased stepbrother has left him a nightspot that is considered the worst den of vice in the entire city: it is euphemistically called “Heaven Earth".

In addition to the disreputable tavern, the inheritance also includes a considerable amount of cash in the amount of 500,000 marks. However, there is a not entirely unimportant condition attached to this: Every evening, it says in the will, the god-fearing Traugott must appear in "heaven on earth" at nine o'clock and give the honors in front of the guests. So what to do Do you continue to insist on moral rigor or do you prefer to be considered a hypocrite and secretly cash in bar and half a million? Well, Traugott opts for the latter and obliges the executor to keep absolute silence about his decision. And so begins the extremely delicate and schizophrenic double life of Mr. B .: During the day he continues to act as a guardian of morals and decency, at night Traugott commands a vicious cave par excellence. When Juliette accidentally discovers Traugott's moral "abysses", she is horrified and consults her father. Rescue approaches when the restaurant is sold and Traugott can finally return to his old life.

Production notes

Heaven on Earth was made in December 1926 and January 1927 in the Berlin National Film Atelier and passed the film censorship on January 27, 1927. The film was 2,676 meters long, divided into six acts. A youth ban was issued. The premiere took place on July 25, 1927 in Berlin's Gloria Palast.

Oskar Friedrich Werndorff created the film structures.

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