The little one and the beast

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Original title The little one and the beast
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2009
length 7 minutes
Director Uwe Heidschötter ,
Johannes Weiland
script Marcus Sauermann
production Carsten Bunte
music Andy Grudge
cut Annick Hillger

Little Boy and the Beast is a computer-animated short film from 2009 . Directed by Johannes Weiland and Uwe Heidschötter . In Germany, the film premiered on April 30, 2010 at the International Short Film Festival in Oberhausen .


After the parents of a little boy split up, the mother turned into a beast that hardly takes any part in everyday life. In the supermarket, the son has to put the purchases in the shopping cart and later on the treadmill at the checkout, at home she mourns over photo albums and just stands around listlessly while playing with the child. Over time, and through phone calls and conversations with a friend, the beast slowly turns back to its mother, who finds joy in life again.


The Little One and the Beast was produced by Studio Soi for ZDF , the first broadcast was in November 2009 on KiKA .

2012 wrote screenwriter Marcus Sauermann a work based on the film of the same name children's book that by Uwe Heidschötter, for The Little Boy and the Beast his debut as a director was illustrated was.


“We gave the film 'The Little One and the Beast' second place, the Honorable Mention, because the characters looked funny in this film and the whole film was very funny. We liked the colors very much. It is also very interesting and we all found the animation very nice. The music was also particularly great. "

- Children's jury 2010 :


The Small and the Beast won the crystal of the Annecy International Animated Film Festival , the Prix Jeunesse , the Cartoon d'Or 2011 and that of the TV magazine TV Spielfilm conferred Children's Film Award Emil .

Individual evidence

  1. "Special Mention of the Children's Jury"

Web links