The old Siegentäler

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Philipp Scheitenberger the Younger (born April 1, 1847 in Schelklingen ; † 1931 ) was a colonist and farmer in the Siegental valley on the northeastern Albtrauf at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century and an important farmer in today's Alb-Donau district . It was and is also known as the old Siegentäler .

Philipp Scheitenberger the Younger sitting next to his wife Anna Maria Günter


Philipp Scheitenberger the Younger was the son of the Schelklingen city scholar Philipp Scheitenberger and his wife Antonia Keller (1815–1849). Like his father, who made his living as a farmer and master baker, Scheitenberger also became the younger farmer. So the son was sent by his father at the age of 16 with two maids of 18 years and an older servant to the parental colonial farm built around 1850 in the less fertile Siegental, to cultivate the 100 acres of stony and thistle -covered land of the Siegentalhof to make and manage. Due to his intellectual talent, this was not an easy fate for the son to bear, as he would actually have liked to study, and had also acquired the tools for this through his very well completed schooling.

The old Siegentäler commented on his fate as a farmer in old age, still visibly offended by the course of his life so far: “I came to this farm through cunning, but inside,” he said, pointing to his chest, “is mine to me Stayed sick all his life. ”He had probably never forgiven his father for his forced fate as a farmer.

Philipp Scheitenberger the Younger finally married Anna Maria Günter (born September 21, 1847, † 1931), also from Schelklingen, on July 20, 1868 and fathered 11 children with her, three of whom died at a young age.

Heinrich Scheitenberger, one of his sons, eventually became a district forester in the Altdorfer Wald near Weingarten, while he was his son Philipp III. handed over the Siegentalhof in the second generation.

Very unhappy with his life as a farmer and the associated hardships and physical strains, Philipp Scheitenberger the Younger finally found his happiness in reading and intellectual activity even without studying, which in old age was also associated with the fact that gout kept him away from further physical work and forced into the armchair.

His saying has been passed down: "At my age, reading is my only joy and my only consolation, otherwise I would be the most unhappy person."

Philipp Scheitenberger the Younger had read a lot throughout his life, including "(...) folk and religious works and storytellers, the Upper Swabian dialect poets like Waizmann and Michel Buck (...)", whom he knew personally, but also the " (...) weightier writers and the greats in the realm of the spirit, Homer , Dante , Shakespear . "

The favorite works of the old Siegentäler, however, were the epics Iliad and the Odyssey by Homer, which he could recite almost completely by heart in the translation during his lifetime. He was very enthusiastic about reading Homer's works, so that he remarked: "It is a wonderful reading and strengthens the spirit."


The work of the old Siegen valley was mainly limited to the reclamation and colonization of the Sieg valley near Allmendingen , which was a very time-consuming and strenuous job, mainly due to the lack of water and the barren soil. Only a little rainwater could be collected in a cave next to the courtyard. Until 1921, however, most of the water required on the farm had to be fetched with a water truck from a scoop on the downhill Sieggraben.

Philipp Scheitenberger the Younger finally succeeded after decades with the expenditure of many hardships and sacrifices a viable agricultural building in Siegental and here despite the bad conditions with the use of artificial fertilizers such as Thomas flour and agricultural skill of puny sheep pastures fertile fields and extensive orchards and to develop relatively large courtyards .

The late colonization of unfavorable locations in the north-eastern eaves area of ​​the Swabian Alb is clearly illustrated by the life and work of the old Siegen valley .

In addition to the agricultural work of the old Siegentäler on his farm of the same name, he was already publicly perceived as the ideal figure of a farmer during his lifetime due to his high level of education and his literacy, which based on the media reception of his personal and also tragic fate is actually more certain, but from the Father, son of Schelklingen's city schoolboy, forced to live as a farmer, Philipp Scheitenberger the elder and his hard life as a colonist in the Siegental, also specifically depicted in newspaper articles on the Siegentäler from 1927 and 1954.


The memory of this peasant figure was preserved through its media reception, on the one hand, but also shaped in terms of content and based on the characteristics mentioned and the fateful-tragic and spiritually active life of the old Siegentäler as a great Swabian peasant figure of the second half of the 19th and first half of the 20th century pointed.

The memory of the old Siegentäler was continued on the one hand with a play that was performed in Almendingen in the 1960s on the life of Philipp Scheitenberger the Younger.

In 1980 the Schelklingen city archivist Wilhelm Lederer wrote a book about the life of Scheitenberger, a city schoolboy, in which Lederer blended his story with the story of his son Philipp the old Siegentäler, so that father and son became one historical person.

Not much has been left of the former farmstead of Philipp Scheitenberger the Younger in Siegental and his agricultural colonial work, since the farm was demolished in 2010 after it was sold to a local cement works in order to quarry limestone for cement production. Thus, apart from the old hydraulic ram system of the Siegentalbrunnen , which was subsequently qualified as a technical monument , there was not much left of the colonist and intellectual life of the old Siegenertal that could remind of this important part of the local history of Allmendingen and the Alb-Danube district .


  • Wilhelm Lederer: Philipp Scheitenberger Stadtschultheiß 1811–1882. In: City of Schelklingen, City Archives (ed.): Schelklinger Hefte. Volume 1. Schelklingen 1980.
  • Immo Eberl, Irmgard Simon, Franz Rothenbacher: The families and civil status cases in the parishes of the town of Schelklingen (1602–1621, 1692–1875) and Urspring Monastery (1657–1832). Ed .: City of Schelklingen. 2nd Edition. Schelklingen 2012.
  • Alois Scheible: The tragic and greatness of a peasant life: the old Siegentäler. Ed .: Schwäbische Donau Zeitung No. 291/1954. Ulm December 14, 1954.
  • OA: The old Siegentäler, on his 80th birthday on April 1, 1927. Ed .: Schwäbischer Volksbote. Ulm April 1, 1927.
  • OA: Heinrich Scheitenberger, 22 years old district forester in Ankenreute. Ed .: Schwäbische Zeitung, local editorial office Ravensburg. Ravensburg February 18, 1976.
  • OA: After more than 50 years, the ram is pumping again at the Siegentalbrunnen. Ed .: Schwäbische Zeitung, local editorial office Ehingen. Ehingen March 9, 2012.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h O. A .: The old Siegentäler, on his 80th birthday on April 1, 1927 . Ed .: Schwäbischer Volksbote. Ulm April 1, 1927.
  2. Immo Eberl, Irmgard Simon; Franz Rothenbacher: The families and civil status cases in the parishes of the town of Schelklingen (1602-1621. 1692-1875) and Ursprunging monastery (1657-1832). Ed .: City of Schelklingen. 2nd Edition. Schelklingen 2012, p. 341 f .
  3. ^ A b Wilhelm Lederer: Philipp Scheitenberger Stadtschultheiß 1811-1882 . In: City of Schelklingen, City Archives (ed.): Schelklinger Hefte . tape 1 . Schelklingen 1980, p. 6th ff .
  4. a b O. A .: The old Siegentäler, on his 80th birthday on April 1, 1927 . Ed .: Schwäbischer Volksbote. Ulm April 1, 1927.
  5. ^ Wilhelm Lederer: Philipp Scheitenberger Stadtschultheiß 1811-1882 . In: City of Schelklingen, City Archives (ed.): Schelklinger Hefte . tape 1 . Schelklingen 1980, p. 6th ff .
  6. OA: The old Siegentäler, on his 80th birthday on April 1, 1927 . Ed .: Schwäbischer Volksbote. Ulm April 1, 1927.
  7. ^ Immo Eberl, Irmgard Simon, Franz Rothenbacher: The families and civil status cases in the parishes of the town of Schelklingen (1602-1621. 1692-1875) and Urspring Monastery (1657-1832). Ed .: City of Schelklingen. 2nd Edition. Schelklingen 2012, p. 342 f .
  8. OA: Heinrich Scheitenberger, 22 years old Revierförtser in Ankenreute . Ed .: Schwäbische Zeitung, Ravensburg edition. Ravensburg January 18, 1976.
  9. ^ Wilhelm Lederer: Philipp Scheitenberger Stadtschultheiß 1811-1882 . In: City of Schelklingen, City Archives (ed.): Schelklinger Hefte . tape 1 . Schelklingen 1980, p. 8th f .
  10. a b c d Alois Scheible: The tragic and greatness of a peasant life: The old Siegentäler . Ed .: Schwäbische Donau Zeitung. No. 293/1954 . Ulm December 16, 1954.
  11. OA: The old Siegentäler, on his 80th birthday on April 1, 1927 . Ed .: Schwäbischer Volksbote. Ulm April 1, 1927.
  12. a b O. A .: After more than 50 years, the ram is pumping again at the Siegentalbrunnen . Ed .: Schwäbische Zeitung. Ehingen March 9, 2012.