German-German open air museum

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The German-German open-air museum with Mahn - and Memorial and the three memorial places a large area includes former border fortifications of the former inner-German border .


The German-German open air museum is located directly at the interface between the districts of Schmalkalden-Meiningen , Hildburghausen and Rhön-Grabfeld . It can be reached via the A 71 motorway, Rentwertshausen / Behrungen exit. The German-German open air museum is located on the adventure route of German unity .


The German-German Open Air Museum was founded in 2003. The sponsoring association is the German Board of Trustees for the Promotion of Science, Education and Culture eV

An approx. 3.5 kilometer long monument protection and nature trail connects the border monuments in Thuringia and Bavaria . The aim of the initiators, the Elke family, Andreas and Manuel Erhard, is to convey the division of Germany by means of originally preserved border installations and to place the monument on the border in the historical foreground across borders. The situation in the border communities is also presented. For more than 40 years , Behrungen and Berkach lay within the 5-kilometer border area of ​​the GDR , the town of Rappershausen in the border area of the Federal Republic .

The patron is the former minister of education Michael Krapp . Partners are the Federal Border Guard in Oerlenbach , the Mellrichstadt regional police , the communities of Behrungen, Berkach and Hendungen , the “German Youth” foundation in Schweinfurt , the Meiningen regional police and the Schmalkalden-Meiningen district .


Memorial and memorial "Memorial of German-German History"

The complete border graduation of the GDR has been preserved at Behrungen / Thuringia. In addition to the former command post 3 (border tower), around 30 meters of the original border signal and barrier fence as well as the border passage gate no. 21 have been preserved. The former border area with the protective strip is also understandable. The outdoor facilities also include the close-meshed inner - German border with a vehicle barrier, fence system and border markings as well as earth observation bunkers. The area of ​​the memorial is a cultural monument ensemble and partly as an archaeological ground monument under the special protection of the Free State of Thuringia. The Thuringian Ministry of the Environment awarded the " Bat-friendly " badge .

"Bavarian State Border" memorial and memorial

Parts of the Bavarian state border are still in the area of ​​the memorial and memorial . An information point of the Federal Border Guard communicates the situation in the west. Information boards and a white and blue road barrier mark the border. Border markings from the original survey, a border trench and markings to the inner-German border give insights into the time of the Cold War in Germany. Parts of the former border section 44 are under nature protection.

Memorial site Behrungen

Behrungen in Thuringia belonged to the Soviet zone of occupation from 1946 and, with the establishment of both German states in 1949, to the GDR. When the GDR borders were closed in 1952, this condition was considered insurmountable. Border area, protective strips and sovereign territory were introduced, the military and border troops shaped the day's picture. From the time of the division, the former border barracks 2 from the early 1960s and a border accommodation of the German border police have been preserved. The Behrungen border installations are listed as historical monuments.

Berkach monument site

With the introduction of a border area, protective strip and inner-German border, 18 families with 42 adults and 29 children were forcibly resettled on June 5, 1952 by decision of the GDR government from Berkach near the border . The Berkach observation tower ( coordinates ), which the community received, dates from the time of division . This is a listed building and is used today as part of the open air museum.

Rappershausen monument site

At the end of the Second World War, the changes began on the state border between Thuringia and Bavaria. In the early 1950s, for example, border officials moved into the Bavarian town of Rappershausen . Since then, the Federal Border Police , the Bavarian border police and the customs border service have been part of the day's events. In the 1970s, Rappershausen was equipped with a border observation tower and a border information point. The place was in the border area. Guests were shown to the border and received information from border officials or customs border service. A monument protection and nature trail leads through the border section and connects the cross-border monument ensemble.

See also

Web links

Commons : German-German Open Air  Museum - collection of images, videos and audio files