German Study and Working Group on Pedophilia

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The German Study and Working Group on Pedophilia e. V. ( DSAP ) was founded in 1979 as an association based in Krefeld . It was entered in the register of associations at the local court under the number VR 1938. The aim of the association was based on a public discourse on the moral and legal reassessment of pedophile acts.

Impact history

The DSAP was founded on the initiative of some members of the AK Rundbrief , a group of politically active pedophiles founded in 1977. In the same year, regional groups were set up in Hamburg, Heidelberg, Kehl, Krefeld, Munich, Berlin and Münster throughout the west of Germany. From 1980 to 1981, the association published its own written work, which was initially named Die Zeitung in the first edition , then published under the title Subject Relationship as issue No. 2/1980 and in the last issue No. 2/3 in 1981 The title Liberated Relationship was published, which circulated in 1979 as the German Study and Working Group on Pedophilia: Circular . The magazine was a platform for controversial discussions with the public as well as for internal debates. The magazine also published articles by some prominent intellectuals, including a. by the writer Ernst Alexander Rauter , the American feminist theorist Beth Kelly, the anti-pedagogue Ekkehard von Braunmühl and the Dutch pedophile activist Edward Brongersma .

Political scientist Franz Walter was convinced that the DSAP was a “cadre organization of the pedophile movement”. The organization campaigned for the impunity of sexuality between adults and children.

In order to bring about a corresponding change in the relationships between adults and children, the DSAP wanted to clarify "what needs children have for emotional and sexual contact with adults". After the DSAP was dissolved in 1983, the majority of its members joined the Humane Sexuality Working Group (AHS).

Within a short period of time, the association established a large number of contacts with the public: to the young democrats and the FDP , the Greens , the Society for the Promotion of Social Science Sex Research (GFSS) under the presidency of sex educator Helmut Kentler , the taz and the Humanist Union .

The organization appeared in public, among other things, in preparation for an event of the lesbian and gay movement for the 1980 federal election . Here the organization succeeded in largely asserting itself with its demands for impunity for pedosexuality .

According to Franz Walter, the DSAP relied on the Free Democratic Party (FDP). Der Spiegel claimed "The FDP even had connections to the spearhead of the pedophile movement" and referred to connections between the FDP politician Ulrich Klug and the DSAP. In March 1980, the DSAP was invited to the Federal Delegates ' Conference of the Young Democrats , the former youth organization of the FDP. With success: the delegates demanded the deletion of paragraphs (§§) 174 ( sexual abuse of wards ) and 176 ( sexual abuse of children ) from the penal code (StGB).

According to Franz Walter, the DSAP was able to influence the German Child Protection Association (DKSB) itself .

In the course of the increasing importance, however, there were quickly disputes about the direction of the association. A rather “bourgeois” and a “radical” wing fought. By the end of 1981 the DSAP was largely incapable of acting, and in March 1983 it was officially dissolved.

Actors (incomplete)

  • Dieter Fritz Ullmann , board member of the DSAP and temporarily spokesman for the BAG SchwuP , convicted sex offender
  • Dagmar Döring , until 1982 board member of DSAP and later FDP politician
  • Helmut Kentler , member of the DSAP advisory board
  • Bruno Bendig , Managing Director of the German Study and Working Group on Pedophilia (DSAP) and later chairman of the Working Group on Humane Sexuality (AHS)
  • Gisela Bleibtreu-Ehrenberg , sociologist and long-term employee of the DSAP
  • Olaf Stüben , journalist, activist and avowed pedophile

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Sexuality: Mighty taboo. Der Spiegel (weekly magazine) from July 21, 1980
  2. Alexander Hensel, Tobias Neef, Robert Pausch: From "Knabenliebhabern" and "Power-Pädos" - On the origin and development of the West German pedophile movement. In: Franz Walter, Alexander Hensel, Stephan Klecha: The Greens and Pädosexuality: a West German story. Göttingen 2014, pp. 136–159, here p. 147.
  3. ^ Journal Die Zeitung , ed. Dt. Study u. Pedophilia working group in the catalog of the German National Library
  4. Zeitschrift Betrifft relation , ed. Dt. Study u. Pedophilia working group in the catalog of the German National Library
  5. ^ Journal Liberated Relationship , ed. Dt. Study u. Pedophilia working group in the catalog of the German National Library
  6. Pedophiles in the left-wing alternative milieu: The joy of breaking taboos , (daily newspaper) , June 12, 2013
  7. ^ EA Rauter: Little Girls. In: Subject: Relationship, edition 4/1980, p. 41.
  8. Beth Kelly: About the "woman-girl love" or: lesbians "do it" actually. In: Subject: Relationship, Edition 4/1980, pp. 12-14.
  9. Eckehard von Braunmühl: For the sake of love. In Subject: Relationship, Issue 2/1980, pp. 16-17.
  10. Edward Brongersma: Two Kinds of Respect. In: Subject: Relationship, Ed. 2/1980, pp. 14–15.
  11. ^ Comment by Franz Walter in the pedophilia debate: "It disgusts me." Quoted from Der Spiegel from August 15, 2013
  12. Cuddling with the Indians. (daily newspaper) , April 22, 2010
  13. a b Sexual Abuse: False Child Friends. Emma (Feminism Magazine), September / October 1993.
  14. Alexander Hensel, Tobias Neef, Robert Pausch: From "Knabenliebhabern" and "Power-Pädos" - On the origin and development of the West German pedophile movement. In: Franz Walter, Alexander Hensel, Stephan Klecha: The Greens and Pädosexuality: a West German story. Göttingen 2014, pp. 136–159, here pp. 147–150.
  15. Der Spiegel , Zeitgeschichte: Das Tabu durchbruch , Issue No. 36 of September 2, 2013
  16. ^ A b Franz Walter, Stephan Klecha : Pedophilia distancing tango in the pedo question. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) of August 11, 2013
  17. The FDP also wanted to legalize sex with children. Focus (weekly magazine) from August 11, 2013
  18. The Pedophile Madness of the Early Years. Claus Christian Malzahn in Die Welt (daily newspaper) on September 8, 2013
  19. Alexander Hensel, Tobias Neef, Robert Pausch: From "Knabenliebhabern" and "Power-Pädos" - On the origin and development of the West German pedophile movement. In: Franz Walter, Alexander Hensel, Stephan Klecha: The Greens and Pädosexuality: a West German story. Göttingen 2014, pp. 136–159, here pp. 149–150.
  20. ^ The Pedocriminal Chief Lobbyist, October 3, 2013
  22. ^ Allegations in the pedophilia debate: FDP politician withdraws. (daily newspaper) , August 11, 2013
  23. Personal statement by Dagmar Döring: "I hereby lay down my candidacy for constituency 179." ( Memento from September 29, 2013 in the Internet Archive ), from August 10, 2013
  24. Der Spiegel (weekly): Errwege des Liberalismus. Pedophilia debate on August 29, 2013
  25. Joachim S. Hohmann: Pedophilia Today. Frankfurt / M. 1980, Foerster Verlag, ISBN 3-922257-10-0 , p. 14.
  26. Alexander Hensel, Tobias Neef, Robert Pausch: From "Knabenliebhabern" and "Power-Pädos" - On the origin and development of the West German pedophile movement. In: Franz Walter, Alexander Hensel, Stephan Klecha: The Greens and Pädosexuality: a West German story. Göttingen 2014, pp. 136–159, here p. 148.