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Dhangadhimai Nagarpalika
धनगढीमाई नगरपालिका
Dhangadhimai (Nepal)
Red pog.svg
Coordinates 26 ° 46 '8 "  N , 86 ° 24' 12"  E Coordinates: 26 ° 46 '8 "  N , 86 ° 24' 12"  E
Basic data
Country Nepal


Province No. 2
District Siraha
height 135 m
surface 16 km²
Residents 47,449 (2011)
density 2,974.9  Ew. / km²
founding 19th September 2015Template: Infobox location / maintenance / date

Dhangadhimai ( Nepali धनगढीमाई ) is a city ( municipality ) in the eastern Terai of Nepal in the Siraha district .

The city was created in September 2015 by amalgamating the Village Development Committees Ayodhyanagar , Bhawanipur , Bishnupurkatti , Dhangadi , Phulkaha Kati and Hanuman Pradh . The urban area covers 15.95 km².


In the 2011 census, the VDCs that made up the city of Dhangadhimai had 47,449 residents (male) in households.

Individual evidence

  1. 26 new municipalities announced . infonepal.net. Archived from the original on October 5, 2015. Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved October 2, 2015. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.infonepal.net
  2. National Population and Housing Census 2011 (PDF; 2.1 MB) Central Bureau of Statistics. Archived from the original on July 31, 2013.