Poet and farmer

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Work data
Original title: Poet and farmer
Shape: Comedy with songs
Original language: German
Music: Franz von Suppè
Libretto : Karl Elmar
Premiere: August 24, 1846
Place of premiere: Theater an der Wien

Poet and Farmer is a stage music by Franz von Suppè for a comedy by Karl Elmar . It consists of the overture and some musical interludes and was premiered on August 24, 1846 in Vienna at the Theater an der Wien . It was not until 1900 that Georg Kruse's successful composition (under the pseudonym F. Silesius) was expanded into an operetta with other compositions by Suppés .

History of origin

Since Suppé was busy as a conductor at opera rehearsals in 1846, he had little time to compose the music for Poet and Bauer . That is why he prefixed the work with an overture, which he had already used in two earlier antics without public success, in a slightly revised version - and this time the overture was liked and had to be repeated immediately. He sold all rights to the overture for a small amount to the music publisher Josef Aibl , which published over 50 different arrangements of the successful piece.


The overture was extremely popular until the middle of the 20th century. Therefore, the recognition effect was guaranteed when Paul Hindemith 1923 in the 2nd movement of his work Minimax. Repertory for military music (for string quartet) wrote a pastiche under the title Overture to "Watertighters and Vogelbauer" . Hindemith took advantage of this popularity again in 1938 during an April Fool's joke for a friend of his from a New York music publisher.

In 1933 the overture marks the climax of Karl Valentin's short film Orchestra Rehearsal .

In 1936 Gustav Quedenfeld, the actor Eugen Rex and the composer Franz Wickenhauser (under the pseudonym Franz Werther) brought out a further arrangement that was completely detached from Karl Elmar's piece.

Web links

Sheet music from the International Music Score Library Project

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Otto Schneidereit : Operetta book . Henschelverlag, Berlin 1955, DNB  454433840 , p. 121 .
  2. ^ Otto Keller: Franz von Suppé. The creator of the German operetta . Richard Wöpke, Leipzig 1905, p. 37 ( archive.org [accessed March 3, 2020]).
  3. ^ Otto Schneidereit: Franz von Suppé. A Viennese from Dalmatia . 2nd Edition. VEB Lied der Zeit, Musikverlag, Berlin 1982, DNB  890103097 , p. 44-45 .
  4. Paul Hindemith: "The private logbook." Letters to his wife Gertrud. Ed .: Friederike Becker, Giselher Schubert. Schott and Piper, Mainz and Munich 1995, ISBN 3-7957-8355-0 and ISBN 3-492-18355-7 , p. 275.
  5. ^ Poet and Farmer - Operetta in 3 acts. Musikverlag Sikorski, accessed on March 3, 2020 .