The lady with the sunflowers

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Original title The lady with the sunflowers
Country of production Austria
original language German
Publishing year 1920
length 105, 112 minutes
Director Michael Curtiz
(as Michael Kertesz )
script Michael Kertesz
production Sascha Kolowrat-Krakowsky for Sascha-Film (Vienna)
camera Gustav Ucicky

The Lady with the Sunflowers is an Austrian silent film drama from 1920 by Michael Kertesz based on the novel by Ivo Voinovich .


A young milliner (hat maker) has fallen in love with the handsome naval officer Vitale Malipiero. To get rid of her groom Georg Alvid, she stabs him. Then she locks Vitale in the room with the dead man without him discovering him immediately. Only later does Vitale find Georg's body hidden under a divan with a sunflower in his hand. Horrified, Vitale escapes this terrible apartment through the window and immediately returns to his ship anchored in the harbor.

A little later the murderess looks for a new husband, whom she finds in Count Jekaterinsky. Both marry, but the young wife cannot stop killing and kills this man too. This time she chooses the poison cup. Lying dying, the latter takes the blame for their crime. The early widowed Countess Jekaterinsky is magically drawn back to her love Vitale, who this time rejects her with disgust. Deeply hit by this rejection, the former milliner seeks death in the sea.

Production notes

The Lady with the Sunflowers premiered on October 15, 1920 in Vienna . The five-act film was about 2300 meters long and was banned from school (= youth ban).

The later Serbian-Hungarian screen star Iván Petrovich still called himself Svetozar Petrov at this time.


In Paimann's film lists you can read: “Fabric is fantastic. Game, photos and scenery excellent. "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The lady with the black glove in Paimann's film lists ( memento of the original from March 25, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /