The Hour of the Wolf (2011)

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Original title The hour of the wolf
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2011
length 90 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
Director Matthias Glasner
script Matthias Glasner,
Sascha Arango
production Wolfgang Esser
Katja Herzog
music Christoph Emperor
Julian Maas
camera Sonja Rome
cut Heike Gnida

The Hour of the Wolf is a German mystery thriller from 2011. The TV film was broadcast on December 9, 2011 on ARTE and on September 10, 2012 on ZDF .


Rebecca Thalberg escapes from a psychiatric clinic . Together with her deceased husband Henry, who in her mind still exists, she takes the train to his old home, a village in the Ore Mountains , the dilapidated provincial town of Dippoldisberg. There she wants to solve the mysterious death of her father-in-law. She is only offered help by the forester Tom Faller. First he organized a boarding room for Rebecca at the inhospitable Bertha Orth, who did not allow gentlemen to visit her room. So the (fictional) husband Henry has to steal secretly and unnoticed into the pension at night. He watched jealously as the forester flirted with his wife; at first he doesn't want to reveal anything about his past to Rebecca. In the end she does get him to tell about the curse that has been hanging on the hut and the whole place since the death of the owner of the glassworks , his father. His mother, Eleanor, has rarely left the house since then and doesn't want anything to do with Rebecca; rather she considers her to be an inheritance stalker . She's even hired a private detective to stop Rebecca from visiting her since she was at the clinic . The forester apparently has a close relationship with Mrs. Thalberg, because he wears a watch with the inscription "for my son Henry Thalberg". So Rebecca soon realizes that the whole village is involved in the dark family secret of the Thalbergs ...

The family secret

Forester Tom Faller's father had an affair with Eleanor Thalberg. Henry Thalberg emerged from this relationship. Eleanor Thalberg's husband was so angry that he tortured Henry Thalberg with electricity in a room in the glassworks. One day, Henry Thalberg took revenge by shoving his supposed father into an oven in the glassworks to kill him. However, the father was able to free himself from the oven again. His wife Eleanor Thalbach, who observed this, then killed her husband. In order to cover up this act and to cover up all traces, the forester's father set fire to the glassworks.


“Moderate (television) mystery thriller that confronts a wild web of family relationships. The actors act stiffly and with exaggerated seriousness, the dialogues are carefully meaningful and of involuntary comedy. "

“At all, 'The Hour of the Wolf' can't decide what it wants to be: fairy tales, thrillers or even funny? Förster Faller (as always pretty tousled: Ronald Zehrfeld) also has a familiar approach to an injured golden pheasant who convalesces in his bedroom and later - sorry, dear vegetarians - ends up in the pot. "

“Bombastic music, yellow eyes and chalk-white faces: the Arte film 'The Hour of the Wolf' wants to be a German mystery thriller and therefore reaches deep into the genre box. Unfortunately, it doesn't work at the front and back, and so one hopes for 89 minutes that the accident in the Ore Mountains will come to an end. "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The Hour of the Wolf. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  2. Ground Control to Forester Tom ,
  3. Mystery in the Erzgebirge ,