The look around. International revue

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The look around: international review

publishing company Universum International Publisher ( French Sector )
First edition September 1946
attitude 1948
Editor-in-chief Heinz Maus
editor Adam Johannes Haller

Die Umschau: Internationale Revue was published by Adam Johannes Haller in three volumes from 1946 (September) to 1948 in the Internationale Universum-Verlag in Mainz . It was "[a] authorized by order of the Gouvernement Militaire No. 3428 | Ja./DGAA/INF of July 11, 1946", that is, the French Commander-in-Chief in Germany Marie-Pierre Kœnig . (For information on licensing requirements, see license press ).

The Umschau wanted to "contribute to ending the alienation between the Germans and the world";

“She wants to fight German egocentrism with positive means; What is thought, considered, questioned, believed, desired or abhorred elsewhere, she wants to convey to the German reader, which prevented the Gestapo and often enough self-imposed self-restraint from gaining knowledge of it. "

- Adam Johannes Haller

The employees for the magazine were sought among those “those in external or internal exile, who found their home in concentration camps and prisons in the 12 years of German shame and shame, whom we do not want to forget because we have to learn from them. "

Max Herrmann-Neisse

In the look around appeared u. a. Contributions by and about Theodor W. Adorno , Raymond Aron , Fernand Auberjonois , Marcel Aymé , Marcel Beaufils , Georges Bernanos , Charles Bettelheim , Léon Blum , Bertolt Brecht ( To the Born ), André Chamson , Malcolm Cowley , Leon Degand , Otto Freundlich , Alfred Frisch , André Gide , Maxim Gorki , Julien Green , René Grousset , Gerhart Hauptmann , Ingeborg Hecht , Max Herrmann-Neiße , Hermann Hesse ( political considerations ), Leo Hilberath , Fritz Hochwälder , Max Horkheimer , Ricarda Huch , Karl Jaspers , Jean Jaurès , Kurt Kersten , Barbara Klie , Arthur Koestler , Gerhard Kumleben , André Leroi-Gourhan , Richard Löwenthal , André Malraux , André Maurois , Heinz Maus , Maurice Merleau-Ponty , Henry Miller ( On Obscenity ), Gabriela Mistral , Alexander Mitscherlich , Erich Mühsam , Georges Navel , Ernst Nikisch , Jean d'Ormesson , Gaëtan Picon , Alfred Polgar , Friedrich Pollock , Jules Roy , Jean-Paul Sartre , Joseph Schumpeter , Ignazio Silone , Nicolaus Somba rt , Philippe Soupault , Stephen Spender , Karl Heinrich Stein , August Strindberg , Jules Supervielle , Gerhard Szczesny , Kurt Tucholsky , Wilhelm Uhde , Paul Valéry , Boris Vildé , Hanns Vogts . The editor was AJ Haller, the editors were Heinz Maus and E.-Charlotte Roland from issue 3 onwards.

Many articles were devoted to the American realistic novel and the French novel of ideas .

Individual evidence

  1. Die Umschau: Internationale Revue , Volume 1, No. 1, September 1946, p. 128.
  2. a b Adam Johannes Haller : For guidance . In: Die Umschau: Internationale Revue , Volume 1, No. 1, September 1946, pp. 6-7.
  3. Adam Johannes Haller: For guidance . In: Die Umschau: Internationale Revue , Volume 1, No. 1, September 1946, p. 10.