René Grousset

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René Grousset

René Grousset (born September 5, 1885 in Aubais , † September 12, 1952 in Paris ) was a French historian , orientalist and art historian . He was a member of the Académie française .

René Grousset studied at the University of Montpellier with a degree in history and began his great career soon after in the French "Ministry of Fine Arts". During the First World War he served in the French Army . He was professor of history and geography at the École des langues orientales . In 1925 Grousset was appointed associate curator at the Museum Guimet in Paris and secretary of the Journal asiatique . He had lectureships at the École des sciences politiques . In 1930 he had published five major works on Asian and Oriental civilizations . In 1933 he was appointed director of the Musée Cernuschi in Paris and curator of its Asian art collections .

He was conservator at the Musée du Louvre , conservator at the Musée Guimet from 1929, then from 1933 director of the Musée Cernuschi . He was a member of the Conseil des musées nationaux . In 1946 he was elected a member of the Académie française .

Before the outbreak of World War II , Grousset published his two important works: Histoire des Croisades (1934–1936) and L'Empire des Steppes (1939). He was dismissed from his museum posts by the Vichy government , he continued his private research and published three volumes on China and the Mongols during the war . After the liberation of France , he took up his post at the Musée Cernuschi again and was also appointed curator of the Musée Guimet (1948). Between 1946 and 1949 he published four last works that focused on Asia Minor and the Middle East .

Grousset died in Paris in 1952 at the age of 67.


  • Histoire de l'Asie. 3 volumes. Crès, Paris 1921-1922;
    • Volume 1: L'Orient. L'ancient Orient. L'Orient hellénistique. L'Islam. L'Orient latin et les croisades. 1921, ( digitized version );
    • Volume 2: L'Inde et la Chine. L'Inde ancienne. La Chine jusqu'à la conquête mongole. Les civilizations de l'Inde-Chine. 1922;
    • Volume 3: Le monde mongol. Les empires mongols. L'Iran, l'Inde et la Chine depuis la période mongole. Le Japon. 1922, ( digitized version ).
  • Le Réveil de l'Asie. L'impérialisme britannique et la révolte des peuples. Plon, Paris 1924, ( digitized (8e édition) ).
  • Sur les Traces du Bouddha. Plon, Paris 1929, (German edition under the title: The journey to the west or how Hsüan-Tsang brought Buddhism to China. Diederichs, Cologne 1986, ISBN 3-424-00890-7 ).
  • Les Civilizations de l'Orient. 4 volumes. Crès, Paris 1929-1930;
    • Volume 1: L'Orient. 1929;
    • Volume 2: L'Inde. 1930;
    • Volume 3: La Chine. 1930;
    • Volume 4: Le Japon. 1930.
  • Histoire de l'Extrême-Orient (= Annales du Musée Guimet. Bibliothèque d'Études. 39, ISSN  1961-8948 ). 2 volumes. Geuthner, Paris 1929, (digital copies: Vol. 1 , Vol. 2 ).
  • Philosophies indiennes. Les systèmes. 2 volumes. Desclée de Brouwer, Paris 1931.
  • Histoire des croisades et du royaume franc de Jérusalem. 3 volumes. Plon & Nourrit, Paris 1934–1936
    • Volume 1: L'anarchie musulmane et la monarchie franque. 1934;
    • Volume 2: Monarchie franque et monarchie musulmane. L'équilibre. 1935;
    • Volume 3: La monarchie musulmane et l'anarchie franque. 1936.
  • L'Empire des steppes. Attila, Gengis-Khan, Tamerlane. Payot, Paris 1939, ( French digitized version (PDF; 5.2 MB) ; German edition under the title: Die Steppenvölker. Attila, Dschingis Khan, Tamerlan. Kindler, Munich 1970).
  • L'Epopée des Croisades. Plon, Paris 1939, (German edition under the title: Das Heldenlied der Kreuzzüge. Kilpper, Stuttgart 1951).
  • L'Empire Mongol. 1ère phase (= Histoire du monde . 8, 3, 1). Boccard, Paris 1941.
  • Histoire de la Chine. Fayard, Paris 1942, (numerous editions).
  • Bilan de l'Histoire. Plon, Paris 1946, (German edition under the title: Bilanz der Geschichte. Europa Verlag, Zurich et al. 1950).
  • L'empire du Levant. Histoire de la question d'Orient. Payot, Paris 1946.
  • Histoire de l'Arménie des origines à 1071. Payot, Paris 1947.
  • Figures de proue. Plon, Paris 1949, (German edition under the title: Fateful Hours of History. Ullstein, Vienna 1951).
  • La Chine et son art. Plon, Paris 1951.
  • L'Homme et son histoire. Plon, Paris 1954, (German edition under the title: Orient and Occident in intellectual exchange. Kilpper, Stuttgart 1955).

Web links

Commons : René Grousset  - collection of images, videos and audio files