Dieter Hass

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Karl Dieter Hass (born October 23, 1934 in Brandenburg ; † July 17, 1996 in Berlin ) was a German chemist . The professor for inorganic chemistry was from 1988 to 1990 rector of the Humboldt University in Berlin .


Dieter Hass, the son of a locksmith, attended elementary school in Wusterwitz , made in 1953 graduated from high school at the State High School Genthin , studied at the Humboldt University in Lothar Kolditz , Erich Thilo and Günther Rienäcker eight semesters of chemistry, graduated in 1957 as a chemist from , received an apprenticeship there in 1958 , did his doctorate in 1960 with Lothar Kolditz, completed his habilitation in Jena in 1965 and was a lecturer in inorganic chemistry at the Humboldt University from 1966. In 1969 he became a full professor in his field. In 1971 Dieter Hass joined the SED and worked until 1980 at the Humboldt University as Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

Dieter Hass published a good hundred scientific papers in the specialist press and held at least twenty patents. His research on halogens - especially fluorine chemistry - found recognition.

Dieter Hass was a professor at Humboldt University until the end of 1993.



  • Dissertation dated December 14, 1960 at the Humboldt University, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences: On fluoroarsene (V) arsenic acid ester . 100 pages
  • Habilitation thesis of June 9, 1965 at the University of Jena, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences: About compounds of arsenic, antimony and bismuth with primary amines . 122 pages


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. June 13, 1988: Speech on Investiture Reference in WorldCat
  2. eng. Longwood College
  3. Lothar Kolditz, Dieter Hass: About the representation of arsenic acid esters. In: Journal for Inorganic and General Chemistry. 307, 1961, p. 304, doi : 10.1002 / zaac.19613070509 . (partly German)
  4. Diss. Reference in WorldCat
  5. Habilitation thesis reference in WorldCat