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coat of arms Germany map
Coat of arms of the municipality of Wusterwitz
Map of Germany, position of the municipality Wusterwitz highlighted

Coordinates: 52 ° 22 '  N , 12 ° 23'  E

Basic data
State : Brandenburg
County : Potsdam-Mittelmark
Office : Wusterwitz
Height : 29 m above sea level NHN
Area : 23.78 km 2
Residents: 3033 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density : 128 inhabitants per km 2
Postal code : 14789
Area code : 033839
License plate : PM
Community key : 12 0 69 688
Office administration address: August-Bebel-Str. 10
14789 Wusterwitz
Mayor : Frank Geue
Location of the municipality of Wusterwitz in the Potsdam-Mittelmark district
Bad Belzig Beelitz Beetzsee Beetzseeheide Bensdorf Borkheide Borkwalde Brück Buckautal Golzow Görzke Gräben Havelsee Kleinmachnow Kloster Lehnin Linthe Linthe Michendorf Mühlenfließ Niemegk Nuthetal Päwesin Planebruch Planetal Rabenstein/Fläming Rosenau (Brandenburg) Roskow Schwielowsee Seddiner See Stahnsdorf Teltow Treuenbrietzen Wenzlow Werder (Havel) Wiesenburg/Mark Wollin Wusterwitz Ziesar Groß Kreutz Brandenburgmap
About this picture

Wusterwitz is a municipality in the Brandenburg district of Potsdam-Mittelmark . It is the seat of the office of the same name , which also includes the communities of Rosenau and Bensdorf .


The community is located on the edge of the Havelland on the west bank of the Wusterwitzer See , west of the city of Brandenburg an der Havel and on the northern slope of the Karower Platte, which was formed during the Ice Age .

Community structure

The community includes the Müggenbusch, Rosenthal and Wusterwitz residential areas.


Church in Wusterwitz

Wusterwitz was founded in 1159 by Archbishop Wichmann von Magdeburg and is one of the oldest city foundations east of the Elbe. The regest of the document reads: “Archbishop Wichmann of Magdeburg concludes a settlement agreement with the locator (entrepreneur) Heinrich and other Flemings, handing over the village of Großwusterwitz an der Havel, confirming the rights of Schartau , arranging daily market trade according to Magdeburg law and holding one Fair. ” However, the development did not meet expectations; the place remained a regular one-street system of village character. Only the size of the Romanesque stone church in its generous floor plan reminds of the hoped-for development. A manor was dissolved as early as 1781. Three brickworks were built between 1833 and 1860.

On September 30, 1928, the main part of the Rosenthal manor district was united with the rural community of Großwusterwitz, and the Rosenthal Forest came to Großdemsin . On July 1, 1950, the community Großwusterwitz was renamed Wusterwitz. As part of the GDR administrative reform , Wusterwitz came to the Brandenburg-Land district in the Potsdam district on July 25, 1952 . The municipality had previously belonged to the district of Jerichow II (from July 1, 1950, district of Genthin ) in the province of Saxony (since 1947, the state of Saxony-Anhalt ). Wusterwitz has been in the state of Brandenburg since German reunification in 1990.

Population development

year Residents
1875 1,000
1890 1,300
1910 1,800
1925 2,674
1933 3 101
1939 3 725
1946 4 706
1950 4 613
year Residents
1964 3,694
1971 3 435
1981 3 123
1985 2,991
1989 2,853
1990 2,790
1991 2,749
1992 2,741
1993 2,789
1994 2,774
year Residents
1995 2 809
1996 2,836
1997 2,847
1998 2,936
1999 2,992
2000 3 095
2001 3,083
2002 3 133
2003 3 159
2004 3 162
year Residents
2005 3 155
2006 3 172
2007 3 140
2008 3 117
2009 3 130
2010 3 151
2011 3 082
2012 3 070
2013 3 063
2014 3 066
year Residents
2015 3 029
2016 3 042
2017 3 048
2018 3 041
2019 3 033

Territory of the respective year, number of inhabitants: as of December 31 (from 1991), from 2011 based on the 2011 census


Community representation

The community council consists of 16 community representatives and the honorary mayor.

Party / group of voters Seats
CDU 6th
Free citizens and farmers 4th
The left 3
Free voters for Rosenau, Wusterwitz and Bensdorf 1

(As of: local election on May 26, 2019)


  • 1998–2008: Klaus Steffen (SPD)
  • 2008-2019: Ronald Melchert (CDU)
  • since 2019: Frank Geue (Free Voters for Rosenau, Wusterwitz and Bensdorf)

Geue was elected in the mayoral election on June 16, 2019 with 56.9% of the valid votes for a term of five years.

coat of arms

The coat of arms was approved on August 13, 2009.

Blazon : "spickelförmig divided by silver and blue in chief; underneath it, a silver swan with a red beak floating on a blue and silver wave shield foot. "

Parish partnership

Erlensee in Hessen is the partner municipality of Wusterwitz.


The list of architectural monuments in Wusterwitz and the list of ground monuments in Wusterwitz include the cultural monuments entered in the list of monuments of the State of Brandenburg.

The Wusterwitz village church is a hall church with a west tower, nave , transept , choir and apse . It was built from field stones in the Romanesque style. The ceiling painting inside should be emphasized.

Protected areas

In the 1990s, the lowlands of the Fiener Bruch and adjacent plateaus, for example the Karower Platte, were designated as an EU bird protection area Fiener Bruch as part of the Natura 2000 network . In the extreme south, Wusterwitz has a small share of the bird sanctuary. Other protected areas, which are wholly or partly in Wusterwitz, are the landscape protection area Brandenburger Wald- und Seengebiet, the FFH area Mittlere Havel supplement, the area natural monuments Werdereck and Spring Wusterwitz, several protected biotopes and avenues and a Scots pine and an English oak as natural monuments .

Economy and Infrastructure

Wilhelm-Götze-Schule (elementary school) in Wusterwitz
Wilhelm Götze School


The state road L 96 from the federal road 1 in Bensdorf to Ziesar runs through the municipality.

The Wusterwitz station is on the railway line from Berlin to Magdeburg . It is served by the regional express line RE 1 Magdeburg – Berlin – Frankfurt (Oder) . The station building is a listed building. The railway line to Ziesar and Görzke was closed in 1971.

The Wusterwitz lock belonging to the Elbe-Havel Canal is located at the northern end of the village.


In Wusterwitz there is a primary school, the Wilhelm-Götze-Schule, and a day care center.


  • Engelbert Wusterwitz (1385–1433), chronicler of the history of the Brandenburg region, his family came from Großwusterwitz
  • Christof von Britzke (1535–1610), governor of Halberstadt, burial place in the village church of Wusterwitz
  • Richard Stimming (1866–1936), doctor and researcher of prehistory, died in Großwusterwitz
  • Wilhelm Götze (1871–1954), puppeteer, born in Großwusterwitz
  • Paul Z'dun (1904–1981), "strange cyclist", lived in Wusterwitz
  • Werner Nothe (* 1938), politician ( SED ), Mayor of Magdeburg from 1989 to 1990 , born in Großwusterwitz
  • Nancy Grimm (* 1979), Americanist, non-fiction author, grew up in Wusterwitz


  • Clemens Bergstedt: Why did Groß Wusterwitz not become a city? - In: Historischer Verein Brandenburg (Havel) e. V. (Ed.): 19th Annual Report 2009–2010. Brandenburg an der Havel 2010, pp. 45–70.
  • Sebastian children, Haik Thomas Porada on behalf of the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography and Saxon Academy of Sciences in Leipzig (ed.): Brandenburg an der Havel and surroundings. A geographical inventory in the area of ​​Brandenburg an der Havel, Pritzerbe, Reckahn and Wusterwitz (=  Landscapes in Germany. Values ​​of the German homeland . Volume 69 ). Böhlau Verlag, Cologne 2006, ISBN 978-3-412-09103-3 .

Web links

Commons : Wusterwitz  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Population in the State of Brandenburg according to municipalities, offices and municipalities not subject to official registration on December 31, 2019 (XLSX file; 223 KB) (updated official population figures) ( help on this ).
  2. ^ Service portal of the state administration Brandenburg. Wusterwitz community
  3. Administrative region of Magdeburg (Ed.): Official Gazette of the Government of Magdeburg . 1928, ZDB -ID 3766-7 , p. 224 .
  4. Federal Statistical Office (Ed.): Municipalities 1994 and their changes since 01.01.1948 in the new federal states . Metzler-Poeschel, Stuttgart 1995, ISBN 3-8246-0321-7 , pp. 57 .
  5. ^ Historical municipality register of the state of Brandenburg 1875 to 2005. Landkreis Potsdam-Mittelmark . Pp. 30-33
  6. Population in the state of Brandenburg from 1991 to 2017 according to independent cities, districts and municipalities , Table 7
  7. ^ Office for Statistics Berlin-Brandenburg (Ed.): Statistical report AI 7, A II 3, A III 3. Population development and population status in the state of Brandenburg (respective editions of the month of December)
  8. ^ Result of the local election on May 26, 2019
  9. Results of the local elections in 1998 (mayoral elections) for the district of Potsdam-Mittelmark ( Memento of the original from December 1, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.wahlen.brandenburg.de
  10. Local elections in the state of Brandenburg on September 28, 2008. Mayoral elections , p. 11
  11. Brandenburg Local Election Act, Section 73 (1)
  12. ^ Result of the mayoral election on June 16, 2019
  13. ^ Service portal of the state administration Brandenburg. Coat of arms of the municipality of Wusterwitz
  14. Part sheet Northwest Protected Areas. In: Landkreis Potsdam-Mittelmark landscape framework plan. Office for Environmental and Landscape Planning, archived from the original on August 7, 2011 ; Retrieved October 16, 2013 .