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Doguérawa rural municipality
Doguérawa rural community (Niger)
Doguérawa rural municipality
Doguérawa rural municipality
Coordinates 13 ° 58 '  N , 5 ° 35'  E Coordinates: 13 ° 58 '  N , 5 ° 35'  E
Basic data
Country Niger


department Malbaza
Residents 117,975 (2012)
mayor Yacouba Maibirni (2012)

Doguérawa (also: Doguéraoua ) is a rural community in the Malbaza department in Niger .


Doguérawa is located at the transition from the Sudan to the Sahel zone and borders the neighboring state of Nigeria in the south . The neighboring communities in Niger are Malbaza in the west, Badaguichiri in the north, Tama in the northeast, Galma Koudawatché in the east and Sabon-Guida in the southeast. There are 46 villages, 43 hamlets and four camps in the municipality. The main town of the rural municipality is the village of Doguérawa. Other larger villages in the municipality are Galmi , Gounfara and Kawara . The dry valley Maggia runs through the municipality .


The French colonial administration established a canton in Doguérawa at the beginning of the 20th century , the first canton of which was Ibrahim el Dassouki, the former Sultan of Agadez who was deposed in favor of his son . In 1964, the canton of Doguérawa was added to the newly created arrondissement (and later department) Birni-N'Konni and also received the status of an administrative post ( poste administratif ) in the area of ​​the arrondissement. In 1973 the administrative post was moved to Malbaza-Usine, the industrial suburb of the neighboring municipality of Malbaza. The rural community of Doguérawa emerged from the canton of Doguérawa in 2002 as part of a nationwide administrative reform, from which Malbaza was detached as an independent rural community. Since 2011, the rural community no longer belongs to the Birni-N'Konni department, but to the newly created Malbaza department.


At the 2001 census, Doguérawa had 83,794 inhabitants. At the 2012 census, the population was 117,975.

Economy and Infrastructure

The community is located in the narrow zone along the border with Nigeria, which extends from Tounouga in the west to Malawa in the east and is used in irrigation farming for cash crops . The Kawara Dam and the Mouléla Dam were built in the 1960s, the Guidan Magagi Dam in the 1970s and the Guidan Kodidi Dam in the 1980s .

In the village of Galmi there is an important market for onions, which are sold as far as Niamey , Burkina Faso , Nigeria and the Ivory Coast . Violet de Galmi , first bred in 1975, is one of the most famous onion varieties in West Africa. Doguérawa is on National Road 1 , which is part of the international Dakar-N'Djamena Highway .



  • Moumouni Assane Dagna: Les effets de la réappropriation de la culture du "Violet de Galmi", par les producteurs d'oignon de la region de Tahoua - Niger, sur la dynamique du territoire local, the organization sociale et économique . Dissertation. Université de Toulouse - Le Mirail, Toulouse 2006 ( [PDF]).

Individual evidence

  1. a b National Repertoire des Localités (ReNaLoc). (RAR) Institut National de la Statistique de la République du Niger, July 2014, pp. 372–374 , accessed on August 7, 2015 (French).
  2. ^ Republic of Niger: Loi n ° 2002-014 du 11 JUIN 2002 portant création des communes et fixant le nom de leurs chefs-lieux .
  3. Edmond Séré de Rivières: Histoire du Niger . Berger-Levrault, Paris 1965, pp. 229 and 245.
  4. Edmond Séré de Rivières: Histoire du Niger . Berger-Levrault, Paris 1965, p. 275.
  5. ^ Frédéric Giraut: Retour du refoulé et effet chef-lieu. Analysis d'une refonte politico-administrative virtual au Niger . PRODIG, Paris 1999, ISBN 2-901560-38-5 , pp. 35 and 76 ( [PDF; accessed on January 22, 2014]).
  6. Une nouvelle loi sur le redécoupage administratif . In: L'Arbre à Palabres . No. 13 , August 11, 2011, p. 2 ( [PDF; accessed on January 28, 2014]).
  7. ^ Institut Nationale de la Statistique du Niger (ed.): Annuaire statistique des cinquante ans d'indépendance du Niger . Niamey 2010 ( online version ; PDF; 3.1 MB), p. 55.
  8. Presentation of the result globaux définitifs du Quatrième (4ème) Recensement Général de la Population et de l'Habitat (RGP / H) de 2012. (PDF) Institut National de la Statistique, 2014, accessed on May 1, 2014 (French).
  9. ^ Comprendre l'économie des ménages ruraux au Niger . Save the Children UK, London 2009 ( online version ( memento of the original from September 27, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this note. ; PDF; 2.6 MB), p. 8. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  10. a b Inventaire des petits barrages du Niger . Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), December 1996, p. 8–9 ( [PDF; accessed September 23, 2018]).
  11. ^ Dams of Africa. (xlsx) Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), accessed on September 23, 2018 .
  12. Livelihoods Zoning “Plus” Activity In Niger ( Memento from September 28, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 2.5 MB). P. 30, website of the Famine Early Warning Systems Network, published August 2011, accessed January 19, 2012.
  13. Niger: le violet de Galmi . Radio France Internationale website , published February 26, 2011, accessed March 5, 2012.