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Tounouga rural municipality
Rural community Tounouga (Niger)
Tounouga rural municipality
Tounouga rural municipality
Coordinates 11 ° 48 '  N , 3 ° 37'  E Coordinates: 11 ° 48 '  N , 3 ° 37'  E
Basic data
Country Niger


department Gaya
Residents 42,849 (2012)

Tounounga is a rural municipality in the department of Gaya in Niger .


Tounouga is the most southern municipality of Niger. It is located on the left bank of the Niger River south of the city of Gaya , in the Dendi region , and is part of the Sudan region . Tounouga borders the neighboring state of Benin in the southwest and the neighboring state of Nigeria in the southeast . There are 26 villages and 52 hamlets in the municipality. The main town of the rural municipality is the village of Tounouga. Other larger villages are Sabon Birni and Dolé .

The large, periodically water-bearing dry valley Dallol Foga runs through the municipality . In addition to Tessa and Zabori, Tounouga is one of the communities in the Dosso region with the highest risk of flooding. The main town and other parts of the municipality located near the Niger River belong to the wetland on central Niger II , which was placed under protection under the Ramsar Convention .


The village of Tounouga was founded by the Tyenga people who settled in the area of ​​today's Gaya department in the 17th century. The rural community of Tounouga was created in 2002 as part of a nationwide administrative reform. Until then, their territory belonged together with Tanda to the Canton of Gaya.


At the 2001 census, Tounouga had 29,444 inhabitants. At the 2012 census, the population was 42,849.

Economy and Infrastructure

The community is located in that narrow zone along the border with Nigeria, which stretches from Tounouga to Malawa in the east and is operated in the irrigation field economy for cash crops . There are several weekly markets in Tounouga. Market day is Friday in the main town of Tounouga and Wednesday in the villages of Gatawani Kaina and Sabon Birni. Despite the great importance of cross-border trade with Nigeria for the economy of Niger, the trade sector in the municipality of Tounouga is underdeveloped due to the strong local presence of the Nigerien customs authorities. National road 8 runs through the community to the Nigerian-Nigerian border .


  • Hima Abdou: Caractérisation des principaux systèmes de culture dans la cuvette de Gatawani-Dolé . Faculté d'Agronomie, Université Abdou Moumouni de Niamey, Niamey 1999.
  • Mariama Diallo-Boubou: La place des femmes rurales dans l'exploitation des ressources naturelles et son impact sur l'amélioration de leurs conditions de vie. Cas des femmes des Villages de Sia et de Gattawani-Kaina . Faculté d'Agronomie, Université Abdou Moumouni de Niamey, Niamey 2010.
  • Issaka Maman: Diagnostic des systèmes des cultures du secteur de Tounouga (arrondissement de Gaya) . Faculté d'Agronomie, Université Abdou Moumouni, Niamey 1994.

Individual evidence

  1. Olivier Walther: Sons of the Soil and Conquerors Who Came on Foot: The Historical Evolution of a West African Border Region . In: African Studies Quarterly . Vol. 13, No. 1 & 2 , 2012, p. 77 ( [PDF; accessed November 4, 2018]).
  2. a b National Repertoire des Localités (ReNaLoc). (RAR) Institut National de la Statistique de la République du Niger, July 2014, p. 166 , accessed on 7 August 2015 (French).
  3. ^ Republic of Niger: Loi n ° 2002-014 du 11 JUIN 2002 portant création des communes et fixant le nom de leurs chefs-lieux .
  4. M. Tiepolo, M. Ali, M. Bacci, S. Braccio, H. Issa, AZ Oumarou: Analyze du risque d'inondation dans les communes de la Région de Dosso au Niger, 1998-2016. (PDF) Projet ANADIA 2.0, report no. 5. Agence Italienne pour la Coopération au Développement, 2018, pp. 10 and 22 , accessed on April 26, 2018 (French).
  5. Système de zones humides de la region du fleuve. (PDF) map. Direction de la Faune, de la Pêche et de la Pisciculture, March 2001, accessed on March 10, 2019 (French).
  6. Problematique you générale Foncier dans la commune urbaine de Gaya (PDF, 1.4 MB). Website of the development aid organization SNV, published December 2008, accessed on November 23, 2013.
  7. ^ Institut Nationale de la Statistique du Niger (ed.): Annuaire statistique des cinquante ans d'indépendance du Niger . Niamey 2010 ( online version ; PDF; 3.1 MB), p. 54.
  8. Presentation of the résultats globaux définitifs du Quatrième (4ème) Recensement Général de la Population et de l'Habitat (RGP / H) de 2012. (PDF file) Institut National de la Statistique, 2014, accessed on April 21, 2014 (French ).
  9. ^ Comprendre l'économie des ménages ruraux au Niger . Save the Children UK, London 2009 ( online version ( memento of the original from September 27, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this note. ; PDF; 2.6 MB), p. 8. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  10. Olivier Walther: Affaires de patrons. Villes et commerce transfrontalier au Sahel . Peter Lang, Bern 2008, ISBN 978-3-03911-468-9 , pp. 183 and 193 .