dok you

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dok you is a pilot project to promote the reception and production of documentaries for children. dok you was initiated in 2008 by the documentary film initiative in the Filmbüro Nordrhein-Westfalen (dfi) and doxs! , the children's and youth section of the Duisburg Film Week . Both institutions acted as organizers of the first season, which started in 2008. In March 2010, Blinker Filmproduktion GmbH and Boogiefilm GbR, based in Cologne, took over the project management.

Project goals

Inspired by the Dutch kids & docs have doxs! and the dfi launched a competition for documentary treatments , which invites young filmmakers to try out documentary work as close as possible to children. In addition to encounters with children and schools, dok you enables advanced training with European experts in the field of children's documentary films as well as mentors from the industry to supervise and support treatment development.

The primary goal of dok you is to create awareness and recognition for children's documentaries in Germany through:

  • Production of four to six novel children's documentaries per year in coproduction with WDR
  • Further training for young filmmakers in this field
  • Film education workshops for students and advanced training for teachers
  • Year-round opportunities for children to participate in online competitions and events
  • Production of accompanying material for film education in school lessons
  • continuous multimedia presence
  • Bundling the films into thematic compilations and building a library

dok you brings everything together: the production of creative documentaries for children, promotion of young talent, cultural film education and media education , the evaluation of the films on television, in the cinema, at festivals and on DVD. For the first time, dok you enables children's documentary films to be firmly anchored in Germany.

Review season 1

Dok you started in autumn 2008 with documentary film workshops at ten schools in North Rhine-Westphalia , which were carried out by the filmmakers involved. From these encounters in the schools, treatments were developed that document the lives of children in North Rhine-Westphalia with different aesthetic handwriting and thematic focuses. A nationwide jury in Duisburg nominated the first dok-you winners and selected six fabrics that were realized with funds from the WDR . The following were selected:

  • Edna's Day by Bernd Sahling
  • Eiki - Maybe to Japan by Susanne Mi-Son Quester
  • Yellow & Pink by Alexandra Schröder
  • Mr. Rücker from Anna Wahle
  • Nick & Tim by Bettina Braun
  • 2 x wiser by Piet Eekman

All completed dok-you films celebrated at doxs! premiered at the Duisburg Film Week in November 2009 and 2010 and have been shown at international festivals since then. The television broadcast on WDR begins on February 23, 2011.

Aslı Sevindim (artistic director, City of Cultures RUHR.2010 GmbH), Ralph Caspers (presenter, screenwriter) and Nora Tschirner (actress) were ambassadors for the first dok-you season .

Documentary film workshops in schools

The core of dok you is the artistic encounter between filmmakers and children in schools. Experienced filmmakers and film school graduates offered workshops as part of the first dok-you season, encouraging children between the ages of 10 and 13 to discover the medium of film and documentary film for themselves. At the same time, the students themselves became creative by developing their own ideas for documentary material and doing practical media exercises with the filmmakers. For the filmmakers, these encounters in the middle of everyday school life were also the starting point for further research and development of the material .

In the first project period, 10 interested schools in North Rhine-Westphalia were selected to work with the project. Above all, the type of school, location, social space and cultural background of the students were taken into account. This broad excerpt from reality ensured the later variety of images and stories, so that as many children's perspectives as possible are included in the documentaries from and about their lives in North Rhine-Westphalia.

The participating schools in 2008/2009:

Training for filmmakers

The filmmakers involved in dok you had the opportunity to exchange ideas with experienced international documentary filmmakers about creative collaboration with children and to reflect on documentary work especially for young target groups. During the first dok-you season, a European conference with speakers from the Netherlands and France took place in November 2008 as part of the Duisburg Film Week . The symposium was carried out in cooperation with MEDIA Antenne Düsseldorf and supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, as well as the Institut Francais in Düsseldorf and the Franco-German cultural center in Essen . During the development of the fabrics for treatments, the filmmakers were given dramaturgical support by mentors. The mentors of the 2008/2009 season were:

  • Katrin Schlösser, producer and professor for creative film and television production at the Art Academy for Media Cologne (KHM).
  • Jan Peters, filmmaker, radio play author and video artist
  • Cornelia Klauß, dramaturge and u. a. Member of the selection committee of the German Competition of the International Short Film Festival Oberhausen


The finished treatments are presented to a jury of experts and a jury of children who decide which of the 10 substances will be realized with funds from the WDR . The treatments for the first season were decided in March 2009 in Duisburg . The dok-you jury included:


The doc-you films from the 2008/2009 project were presented to the public for the first time during the Duisburg Film Week 2009 and continued to be evaluated at festivals, in the cinema and on television. Together with additional material from the entire project, the films will then be processed in terms of media education and will be published on a DVD.

Press reviews

“A correct, important and forward-looking step.” - Children's and youth film correspondence

“Young worlds in real life. dok you inspires. ”- Westdeutsche Allgemeine

“Nothing less than the dawn of a new and powerful genre of documentary film.” - Rheinische Post

"[...] where, between all the debates about the Turbo Abi and Rütli-Schule, the real life of the adolescents takes place [...] Hopefully the dream of a documentary film that takes its young audience seriously will also become a reality beyond the project and contrasts all the wild chickens, guys and witches with the colorful life of juvenile reality. ”- cut

“[...] the dok you project, ambitious documentaries with and for children, was a complete success. […] Thunderous applause confirmed the project. […] The experiment succeeded! ”-

Partner and sponsor

dok you is significantly supported by the culture department of the State Chancellery NRW and the WDR .
The partners of the first season were also: Filmstiftung NRW , Kinderfilmförderung of the BKM, Kuratorium Junge Deutscher Film, German Films, Durniok Foundation, AG Kurzfilm, Förderverein Deutscher Kinderfilm eV, Academy for Children's Media, Vision Kino, Kids & Docs / Idfa and Camcar.

Participating filmmakers / producers

For dok you, experienced filmmakers and producers as well as the next generation were addressed with the aim of increasing competence within the documentary film industry. The aim is to give the niche genre of children's documentary films a new platform. The project won over young writers and a young producer from the Academy of Media Arts (KHM) and the International Film School (ifs), both in Cologne . Graduates from the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and a student from the HFF Munich also take part.

The filmmakers and producers of the first dok you season:

Web links