Knippelsdorf village church

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Church from the southeast

The Protestant village church Knippelsdorf is a listed church building in Knippelsdorf , a district of the small town Schönewalde in the southern Brandenburg district of Elbe-Elster .

Building description and history

Entrance portal on the south side

The Knippelsdorf village church is a rectangular field and lawn iron stone building from the second half of the 13th century. The hall building has a group of three windows in the east wall. On the south side there is also a pointed arched step portal with a lawn iron stone border. The square west tower adjoining the west of the nave dates from 1846. It is made of brick and has a slate top with an octagonal pointed helmet.

The building is located in the middle of a former cemetery, which can be found on the oval village green of the village. The building underwent extensive reconstruction work in the 18th century and in 1846. The latter have shaped the church to the present day.


The interior of the church is characterized by a flat wooden ceiling and a swinging horseshoe gallery with coffered parapets. The octagonal pulpit altar located here was created in the course of extensive renovation work in 1846, using parts of an altarpiece from the second half of the 17th century. A painting of the Last Supper can be found in the predella of the altar with its two-story structure . There are also two carved figures in the wings from the middle of the 15th century depicting Saint Barbara and Saint Catherine .

The church's sacred furnishings worth mentioning include a pewter supper jug with the inscription Der Kirche zu Knippelsdorf Belongs to 1859 and a brass baptismal bowl with the initials AMUR MT 1697 .


The organ dates from 1873 and was created by the Merseburg organ builder Friedrich Gerhardt (1828–1922). It has a mechanical drawer , a manual and seven stops .

I Manual C – f 3
Principal 8th'
Gamba 8th'
Hollow flute 8th'
Octave 4 ′
Octave 2 ′
Mixture II
Pedal C – d 1
Sub bass 16 ′

Tombs and memorials

Gravestone on the south wall

On the south wall of the church there is an inscription tombstone with putti from 1716. There is also a cast iron memorial plaque on the north gallery of the church for the manor owner A. Mutrack, who fell in 1871.


The church has two listed bells. A bronze bell was made in 1590. It was made by master bell founder Heine from Westphalia . An iron bell was created in 1925 in the Apolda bell foundry Schilling und Lattermann .

Parish area Knippelsdorf

Knippelsdorf is located in the Bad Liebenwerda church district . The Knippelsdorf parish today looks after the places Mehlsdorf , Werchau , Wiepersdorf , Wildenau , Schöna , Kolpien , Lebusa and Körba .

further reading

  • Georg Dehio: Handbook of the German art monuments - Brandenburg . 2nd Edition. 2012, ISBN 978-3-422-03123-4 , pp. 1079 .
  • Sybille Gramlich, Irmelin Küttner: Elbe-Elster district part 1: The city of Herzberg / Elster and the offices of Falkenberg / Uebigau, Herzberg, Schlieben and Schönewalde. ISBN 978-3-88462-152-3 , pp. 321-324.
  • Cultural Office of the Elbe-Elster District, Bad Liebenwerda District Museum, Sparkasse Elbe-Elster (publisher): Elbe-Elster organ landscape . Herzberg / Elster 2005, p. 38/39 .

Web links

Commons : Dorfkirche Knippelsdorf  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Database of the Brandenburg State Office for the Preservation of Monuments and the State Archaeological Museum ( Memento of the original dated December 9, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed September 25, 2016. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. a b c Georg Dehio: Handbook of German art monuments - Brandenburg . 2nd Edition. 2012, ISBN 978-3-422-03123-4 , pp. 1079 .
  3. a b c d e f g h Sybille Gramlich, Irmelin Küttner: Elbe-Elster district part 1: The city of Herzberg / Elster and the offices of Falkenberg / Uebigau, Herzberg, Schlieben and Schönewalde. ISBN 978-3-88462-152-3 , pp. 321-324.
  4. a b c cultural office of the Elbe-Elster district, Bad Liebenwerda district museum, Sparkasse Elbe-Elster (ed.): Elbe-Elster organ landscape . Herzberg / Elster 2005, p. 38/39 .
  5. ^ The parish offices of the Bad Liebenwerda church district. On its homepage, accessed on August 17, 2017.

Coordinates: 51 ° 49 ′ 23.9 "  N , 13 ° 20 ′ 55.3"  E