Dubravka Ugrešić

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Dubravka Ugrešić

Dubravka Ugrešić (born March 27, 1949 in Kutina , Yugoslavia , today: Croatia ) is a Croatian writer .

life and work

Dubravka Ugrešić studied at the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Zagreb and worked at its Institute for Literary Theory for over 20 years. Her main focus was on the Russian avant-garde . In 1980 she published the study Nova ruska proza ​​(New Russian Prose) . She translated, among others, Boris Pilnjak and Daniil Charms into Croatian. She later reflected on her work in the short story Slučaj Harms (The Harms Case) in the short story collection Život je Bajka . During this time she also published two children's books: Mali Plamen (1971) and Filip i Srećica (1976); another, Kućni duhovi , followed in 1988.

1978 appeared with the short story collection Poza za Prozu (A Pose for Prose) her first prose work; 1981 her so-called patchwork novel Štefica Cvek u raljama života (in the English translation Steffie Speck in the Jaws of Life ), which deals with the possible influence of trivial literary stereotypes on the everyday life of the protagonist. The novel was adapted for both the stage and the film.

Another collection of short stories appeared in 1983: Život je Bajka (Life is a Fairy Tale) , in which she attempted to “modernize” various works of world literature (including Gogol's The Nose and Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland ).

With the novel Forsiranje romana reke (English Fording the Stream of Consciousness ), published in 1988, her so-called pre-war era ended, which is characterized above all by the joyful experimentation with various literary genres and stylistic devices.

In 1993 Ugrešić, who, in contrast to many other writers in Croatia and Serbia, refused to accept any form of nationalism and chauvinism , left Croatia and went into exile, first to Amsterdam and later to the USA, where she taught at various universities (including Wesleyan University , UCLA , UNC Chapel Hill ).

She reflected on the experiences of exile as well as her own point of view on the disintegration of Yugoslavia in the essay volumes Američki fikcionar (My american fictionary) (1993) and Kultura laži (The culture of lies) (1996), which have been translated into almost all European languages. Her novel Muzej bezuvjetne predaje (The Museum of Unconditional Surrender) (1997) was also an international success.

Dubravka Ugrešić is a signatory of the declaration published in 2017 on the common language of Croats , Serbs , Bosniaks and Montenegrins .

Today Dubravka Ugrešić lives between Amsterdam and the USA, where she continues to work as a private lecturer. She writes for various European magazines and newspapers (including Die Zeit ).


Works (in German translation)

  • Tired of being alone ... ( Štefica Cvek and raljama života. ) Roman. Translated from Serbo-Croatian by Barbara Antkowiak . Verlag Volk und Welt , Berlin 1984.
  • My American Fictionary. ( Američki fikcionar ) Translated from Croatian by Barbara Antkowiak, Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt / M. 1993 ISBN 3-518-11895-1
  • The culture of lies. ( Kultura laži. ) Translated from Croatian by Barbara Antkowiak, Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt / M. 1995, ISBN 3-518-11963-X
  • The Museum of Unconditional Surrender. ( Muzej bezuvjetne predaje. ) From the Croatian by Barbara Antkowiak, Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt / M. 1998, ISBN 3-518-40973-5
  • Reading prohibited. ( Zabranjeno čitanje. ) From the Croatian by Barbara Antkowiak, Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt / M. 2002 ISBN 3-518-41315-5
  • The Ministry of Pain. ( Ministarstvo Boli. ) Translated from the Croatian by Barbara Antkowiak, Berlin-Verlag, Berlin 2005 ISBN 3-8270-0562-0 .
  • The golden finger. Suhrkamp, ​​Frankfurt / M. 2000, ISBN 3-518-39651-X
  • Nobody at home. ( Nikog nema doma. ) Translated from Croatian by Barbara Antkowiak, Berlin-Verlag, Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3-8270-0707-0 .
  • Baba Jaga lays an egg. Berlin-Verlag, Berlin 2008, ISBN 3827007488
  • Karaoke culture. From the Croatian by Mirjana and Klaus Wittman, Berlin-Verlag, Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-8270-1043-8

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Derk, Denis: Declaration on the common language of Croats, Serbs, Bosniaks and Montenegrins is adopted . In: Večernji list . March 28, 2017, ISSN  0350-5006 , p. 6–7 ( vecernji.hr [accessed on May 9, 2019] Serbo-Croatian: Donosi se Deklaracija o zajedničkom jeziku Hrvata, Srba, Bošnjaka i Crnogoraca .). (Archived on WebCite ( Memento from May 23, 2017 on WebCite ))
  2. Best list of the SWR
  3. ^ Jean Améry Prize for Dubravka Ugresic . In: Saarbrücker Zeitung (Culture) of August 29, 2012, p. BB5