Dumitru Popescu

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Dumitru Popescu (born April 18, 1928 in Turnu Măgurele , Teleorman district ) is a former Romanian journalist , writer and politician of the Romanian Communist Party PMR (Partidul Muncitoresc Român) and from 1965 PCR (Partidul Comunist Român) , who worked between 1969 and 1974 was both a member of the Secretariat and the Executive Committee of the Central Committee (CC) of the PCR and from 1974 to 1989 was a member of the Political Executive Committee of the Central Committee of the PCR. In addition to his many years of journalistic and political activity, Popescu was also the author of numerous novels , essays and travelogues .


Journalist and MP

Popescu joined in 1948 as a member of the Union of Communist Youth UTC (Uniunea Tineretului Comunist) , the party's youth association, and was editor of the magazine Contemporanul from 1950 to 1956 . During this time he also studied at the Institute of Economics and Planning in Bucharest . In November 1955 he became a member of the then Communist Party PCR (Partidul Comunist din România) and in 1956 completed further courses at the University of Social Sciences " Andrei Alexandrowitsch Schdanow ".

In July 1956, Popescu became editor-in-chief Scânteia Tineretului , the body of the Union of Young Working People UTM (Uniunea Tineretului Muncitor) that emerged from the UTC . Subsequently, in 1960 he took over the function of general director of the news and press agency AGERPRES (Agenția Națională de Presă) , which he held until June 29, 1962. He was then from June 29, 1962 to February 6, 1965 a member and vice-president of the executive office of the State Committee for Culture and the Arts.

In 1965 he became a member of the Grand National Assembly (Marea Adunare Națională) for the first time and was a member of it until December 22, 1989. There he represented the constituency of Făget until 1969 , then between 1969 and 1975 the constituency of Arad-Sud and from 1975 to 1980 the constituency of Alba-Iulia , before he last held the constituency of Copou from 1980 to 1985 and between 1985 and December 22, 1989 constituency Reghin represented. During his parliamentary membership, he temporarily served as Vice-President of the Foreign Affairs Committee and as a member of the National Inter-Parliamentary Committee.

Editor-in-chief of Scânteia , member of the Central Committee and Central Committee Secretary

Popescu then became editor-in-chief of the daily Scânteia , the central body of the PCR, in 1965 , and held this position until 1968. He became a candidate for the Central Committee of the PCR at the ninth party conference of the PCR from July 19 to 24, 1965. On August 12, 1969, he became a member of the Central Committee of the PCR, of which he was a member until the Romanian Revolution on December 22, 1989. At the same time he became a member of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the PCR, after having been the Central Committee Secretary since December 1968, as well as a member of the Executive Committee of the Central Committee and was a member of these bodies until November 28, 1974.

At the same time he acted from March 18 to September 15, 1971 for the first time as President of the National Council of the radio company Radioteleviziunii Române , before he was then President of the Council for Socialist Culture and Education from September 15, 1971 to November 8, 1976. At the same time, he held the position of President of the State Committee for Culture and Art from September 24, 1971 and was also a member of the National Council of the Socialist United Front FUS (Frontului Unitâții Socialiste) , the organization responsible for drawing up the lists of candidates for the elections .

Member of the Political Executive Committee

At the eleventh party congress of the PCR from November 24 to 27, 1974, Popescu became a member of the Political Executive Committee of the Central Committee and was a member of this top management body of the party until the Romanian Revolution on December 22, 1989 and the associated overthrow of Nicolae Ceaușescu .

At the same time he was again President of the National Council of the radio company Radioteleviziunii Române from November 8, 1976 to August 25, 1978 and acted again as Secretary of the Central Committee from December 26, 1977 and as such was also head of the Press Department of the Central Committee and the Press Committee and publishing, which was also responsible for the central party organs Scânteia and Era Socialistă , the press and news agency AGERPRES, but also for relations with mass and non-governmental organizations.

Most recently, Popescu was rector of the Academia Ștefan Gheorghiu , the Academy for Social and Political Sciences, from 1981 until the Romanian Revolution on December 22, 1989 .

honors and awards

Popescu has received several awards for his many years of service, including the Order of Third Class Labor (Ordinul Muncii) in 1957, the Second Class Labor Order in 1959, the Star of the People's Republic of Romania, Fourth Class (Ordinul Steaua Republicii Populare Române) in 1964, and in 1966 Order Tudor Vladimirescu Third Class (Ordinul Tudor Vladimirescu) , 1971 the Star of the Socialist Republic of Romania First Class (Ordinul Steaua Republicii Socialiste România) , 1981 the Order of Labor First Class, 1981 the Order 23 August First Class (Ordinul 23 August) and in 1984 the medal for the 40th anniversary of the revolution and the social and national, anti-fascist and anti-imperialist liberation (Medalia "A 40-a aniversare a revoluției de eliberare socială și națională, antifascistă și anti-imperialistă") .


In addition to his many years of journalistic and political activity, Popescu was also the author of numerous novels, essays and travelogues. His most famous publications include:

  • Impresii de Călător. Prin Egipt, Iraq și Cuba , travelogues, 1962
  • Drumuri europene , travelogues, 1965
  • Biletul la control! , Essays, 1968
  • Pentru cel ales , poems, 1968
  • Un om în Agora , poems, 1972
  • Ieșirea din labirint , Essays, 1973
  • Gustul sîmburelui , poems, 1974
  • Raza de cobalt , poems, 1979
  • Pumnul și palma , novel trilogy , 1980–1982 ( Odimineață înșelâtoare , Volume 1, 1980; Ochiul ci clopului , Volume 2, 1981, Marșul cariatidelor , Volume 3, 1982)
  • Muzeul de ceară , novel, 1984
  • Cenușa din ornic , Roman, 1988
  • Insomnia dra gonului , poems, 1989

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