Dwejra Tower

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Dwejra Tower (landside)
Dwejra Tower (sea side)

Dwejra Tower ( Maltese Torri tad-Dwejra ) is a defense tower on the island of Gozo, which belongs to Malta .


The tower stands near the Inland Sea and the former Azure Window on the island of Gozo. It has a square base of 6 x 6 m and a height of 11 m. The place Dwejra belongs to the municipality of San Lawrenz .

The interior consisted of two floors. Access was from the outside on the upper floor.


Dwejra Tower was completed in 1652 under the reign of Grand Master Jean de Lascaris-Castellar . It was financed by Gozo's then government college, the Universita ' . The tower was in command of a capo mastro or castellan , and it was his responsibility to earn money to maintain the tower by boiling salt . Like almost all Lascaris Towers , it was designed as a guard to give early warning of approaching enemy ships.

In the 18th century, the tower was still manned and armed with two six-pounders, which, however, were more used to send signals and were not designed for combat. Between 1839 and 1873 the - now British - crew of the tower consisted of soldiers from the Royal Malta Fencible Artillery , then it was abandoned. In the summer of 1914, the tower was again crewed by soldiers from the King's Own Malta Regiment and the Royal Malta Artillery , who were now equipped with two, later four twelve-pounders and monitored the coast of Gozo. Dwejra Tower also served as a watchtower during World War II . In 1942, the crash of a Royal Air Force Spitfire fighter into Dwejra Bay was observed from here; the pilot was rescued by the tower crew.

In 1956 the tower was leased to a private individual for 50 years, but later it came into the possession of Dín l-Art Ħelwa on loan . This organization started restoration work in 1997, which ended in 1999. A large part of the stone blocks outside was replaced, stone tiles were laid inside.

Web links

Commons : Dwejra Tower  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Dwejra Tower, Gozo. In: Heritage Sites managed by Din l-Art Helwa. Dín l-Art Ħelwa , accessed December 13, 2019 .
  2. a b c Dwejra Tower. (PDF) In: National Inventory of the Cultural Property of the Maltese Islands. Sovrintendenza tal-Patrimonju Kulturale, March 30, 2012, accessed December 13, 2019 .

Coordinates: 36 ° 2 ′ 58.4 "  N , 14 ° 11 ′ 31.7"  E