Real acacia

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Real acacia
Flowering common acacia (Acacia pulchella)

Flowering common acacia ( Acacia pulchella )

Eurosiden I
Order : Fabales (Fabales)
Family : Legumes (Fabaceae)
Subfamily : Mimosa family (Mimosoideae)
Genre : Acacia ( Acacia )
Type : Real acacia
Scientific name
Acacia pulchella

The real acacia ( Acacia pulchella ), as another common name , the translation of the name "Prickly Moses" used in Australia: Moses thorn is used, is a species of plant that belongs to the genus of acacia ( Acacia ) in the legume family (Fabaceae).


Vegetative characteristics

Acacia pulchella grows as an evergreen shrub that usually reaches heights of 0.5 to 1.5 meters, rarely up to 3 meters. The bark of the branches is hairy or bare, depending on the variety. There are leaf axils usually one or two usually 2 to 20 mm long mandrels each wound dry (nodes), sometimes less available to none.

The alternate leaves are bipinnate. The petiole is 0.5 to 6 mm long. There is only a pair of first-order leaflets with a length of 1 to 15 mm. There are two to eleven pinna leaflets second order available; they are oblong to obovate or obverse-lanceolate, 1 to 6 mm long, 0.5 to 2 mm wide, flat, green to bluish, hairless to downy. The stipules are dry-skinned and the stipules are 3 mm long. There are glands in the axils of the pinnate leaves of the first order.

Generative characteristics

In winter and spring, one to three cephalic partial inflorescences appear laterally in rudimentary racemose total inflorescences with about 3 mm long inflorescence axes . The 1 to 15 (rarely up to 20) mm long inflorescence shafts of the capillary partial inflorescences are hairy or glabrous depending on the variety. Each spherical, cephalic partial inflorescence contains 10 to 40, rarely up to 60 flowers. There are cover sheets. The hermaphroditic flowers are radial symmetry, five-fold and golden yellow. The five sepals are fused to one-half to two-thirds of its length. There are five petals , many stamens and one carpel .

The narrow, elongated legume is flat to slightly wavy, 1.5 to 5 cm long, usually 3 to 5 mm wide, hairy or glabrous with a thick edge. The brown seeds are usually elongated with a length of 2.5 to 4.5 mm and have an aril .

Chromosome number

The number of chromosomes is 2n = 26.


Acacia pulchella is a fire germ, so the seeds will only germinate in abundance after a large fire. Germination after small fires or in damp conditions occurs only to a small extent.


Acacia pulchella is widespread in the southwest of the Australian state of Western Australia from Port Gregory to Cape Arid. It is found near swamps or watercourses and prefers nutrient-poor, sandy soils, fatty clay soils and laterite .


Acacia pulchella was founded in 1813 by R.Br. first published in William Townsend Aiton : Hortus Kewensis, ... , 2nd edition, 5, p. 464 and belongs to the Pulchellae section in the subgenus Phyllodineae within the genus Acacia .

The four recognized varieties differ primarily in terms of their height, the presence of plant hairs ( trichomes ) on the bark and the inflorescence stem, the number and length of the thorns and the size of the leaves:

  • Acacia pulchella var. Glaberrima Meisn. ( Acacia hispidissima DC. ): Height of growth 0.5 to 2 (to 3) meters.
  • Acacia pulchella var. Goadbyi ( Domin ) Maslin (Syn .: Acacia goadbyi Domin ): Height (0.3) from 0.5 to 1.5 meters, occasionally spines.
  • Acacia pulchella var. Pulchella : Usually 0.5 to 1 (0.15 to 1.5) meters high.
  • Acacia pulchella var. Reflexa Maslin : Growth height 0.4 to 1 meter, occasionally thornless.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Acacia pulchella at In: IPCN Chromosome Reports . Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis
  2. Arunodini Jayasekera: Interactions between Phytophthora cinnamomi and Acacia pulchella: consequences on ecology and epidemiology of the pathogen , Murdoch University, Western Australia, PhD thesis 2006.
  3. a b Acacia pulchella at Western Australian Flora - FloraBase, 1999.
  4. Christopher Brickell, Wilhelm Barthlott (ed.), Nadja Biedinger, Rüdiger Seine (trans.): DuMont's Große Pflanzen Enzyklopädie A - Z. Volume 1: A - J. 3rd edition. DuMont Reiseverlag, Cologne 2000, ISBN 3-7701-4350-7 .
  5. ^ Systematics of Acacia pulchella at
  6. Acacia pulchella var. Glaberrima in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN) USDA , ARS , National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland.
  7. Acacia pulchella var. Glaberrima Meisn. at Western Australian Flora - FloraBase. (accessed June 22, 2010)
  8. Acacia pulchella var. Goadbyi (Domin) Maslin at Western Australian Flora - FloraBase. (accessed June 22, 2010)
  9. Acacia pulchella R.Br. var. pulchella at Western Australian Flora - FloraBase. (accessed June 22, 2010)
  10. Acacia pulchella var. Pulchella in the New South Wales Flora Online .
  11. Acacia pulchella var. Reflexa Maslin at Western Australian Flora - FloraBase. (accessed June 22, 2010)

Web links

Commons : Real Acacia ( Acacia pulchella )  - Collection of images, videos, and audio files