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Ecovin [ ekowin ] eV is a German Association for ecologically working wineries (BOW) in Germany. It was founded in 1985 and is based in Oppenheim . It is the only German cultivation association that specializes exclusively in organic viticulture . In March 2014 he owns regional associations in 11 German growing areas, whose 250 member companies cultivate 1,900 hectares of vineyards.


The association was founded in 1985 by 35 organic winegrowers from Rheinhessen , the Palatinate , the Moselle and Baden . Quote from founding member Rudolf Trossen:

“We felt sorry for the earth. We were euphoric at the time, firmly convinced that it was time to give organic viticulture in Germany a face. "

Initially, the umbrella organization called Bundesverband Ökologischer Weinbau e. V. and was later rededicated to a special viticulture association. The reason for this was a discussion about the practices and guidelines of organic viticulture. In 1990 Ecovin was registered as a trademark . In 1992 government-supported consultants replaced the previously internally organized consultancy system.

From 1995 onwards, Ecovin winemakers increasingly faced the competition and convinced independent juries of their wine qualities. In 1998 the association's internal competition “Ecowinner” was launched. In 2004 the association became a member of the German Viticulture Association .

From 2005 Ecovin worked closely with other organic cultivation associations at European level in order to create a basic work for previously undefined EU cellar guidelines. The association actively supports research in the field of plant protection and grape variety breeding. Professional further training in organic viticulture is intended to sensitize winemakers in order to continuously win new members. In 2008 the trademark was revised.

Start-up companies

The following wineries are considered to be founding companies:

Moselle wine-growing region Palatinate wine-growing region    Rheinhessen wine-growing region  
Brohl winery Wöhrle winery Heinz-Walter Metzler winery
Peter Mentges winery Axel Schmitt Winery
Johannes Schneider winery     Privy Councilor Dr. Fast
Hugo Schorn winery Eugen Schönhals winery
Steffens-Keß winery Organic winery Arndt F. Werner
Trossen organic winery
Udo Wick winery

Board of Directors and Management

  • Federal Chairman: Andreas Hattemer
  • Board spokeswoman: Barbara Hoffmann
  • Chief Financial Officer: Georg Forster
  • Managing Director: Ralph Dejas


The ECOVIN-BÖW guidelines for the production of grapes, grape juice, wine, sparkling wine and brandy are based on the following objectives of organic viticulture:

  • Preservation and increase of the natural soil fertility through suitable cultivation measures
  • Raising healthy, resilient plants without the use of herbicides, chemically synthetic insecticides and organic fungicides as well as synthetic nitrogen fertilizers
  • Promotion and increase of the biodiversity of the flora and fauna in the vineyard ecosystem through targeted greening measures
  • Creation of a largely closed production cycle
  • Reduction of water and soil pollution (e.g. by avoiding nitrates, phosphates and pesticides)
  • Rejection of genetically modified plants, microorganisms and their products
  • Creation of a secure existence on the basis of satisfactory living conditions.

Demonstration farms for organic farming

In 6 of the 13 German wine-growing regions there are 8 demonstration farms, whose vintners open their farms to consumers, professional colleagues, marketers of organic products and other interested groups. They demonstrate their operation in a practical manner and are available for technical discussions. Visitors receive information about organic viticulture as well as about the work processes in a natural winery.

Demonstration companies are:

See also

Web links


  1. Website, accessed November 20, 2014
  2. ^ Commemorative publication 15 years of Ecovin
  3. Growing areas from ( Memento from May 10, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) - Search for name or growing area
  4. Demonstration farms . In: . August 3, 2018 ( [accessed August 9, 2018]).