Edgar Klier

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Walter Buchheim presented Edgar Klier with the FDGB Art Prize 1960 for his painting “On Site”.

Edgar Klier (born February 23, 1926 in Zwickau ; † June 8, 2015 in Zwickau) was a German painter and graphic artist .


Edgar Klier began an apprenticeship as a ceramic painter in 1940, which he completed in 1943. From 1948 to 1950 Klier studied at the painting and drawing school in Zwickau with Carl Michel and Karl-Heinz Schuster . From 1951 to 1955 he studied at the Dresden University of Fine Arts with Erich Fraaß , Heinz Lohmar , Max Erich Nicola and Rudolf Bergander . The main themes were mining and landscape. After completing his studies, he worked as a freelancer and devoted himself primarily to the topics of mining and landscape. He also worked as a circle leader in the Karl Marx coal works and in the Wismut plant 536 of the SDAG Wismut. Klier was a member of the Association of Visual Artists of the GDR .

Works (excerpt)

"On site". Painting by Edgar Klier. The artist was awarded the FDGB art prize in 1960 for the work.
  • 1960 On site, Dresden, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Gemäldegalerie Neue Meister , inventory number: 3121
  • 1954 Production meeting of the miners, Dresden, State Art Collections Dresden, Gemäldegalerie Neue Meister, inventory number: 3018
  • in the museum at Theaterplatz : Young miner and Zwickau landscape
  • 1962 Portrait of Sepp Zach, brush drawing
  • 1976 Memory of Volgograd, Oil


Solo exhibitions

  • 1973 Karl-Marx-Stadt
  • 1975 Zwickau and Freiberg

Exhibition participation

  • 1958, 1962, 1967 and 1972 art exhibition of the GDR
  • 1974, 1979 and 1985 district art exhibition in Karl-Marx-Stadt
  • 1963 Exhibition 10 years of architecture, fine arts and visual folk creation in Karl-Marx-Stadt
  • 1965 Art Prize Winner of the FDGB, Frankfurt (Oder)
  • 1968 winner of history, Halle (Saale)
  • 1971 Face of the Working Class, Berlin
  • 1982 Portrait + Group, exhibition of the painters and graphic artists section of the VBK / GDR, Karl-Marx-Stadt
  • 1984 retrospective 1945–1984, Karl-Marx-Stadt
  • also Nuremberg, Bulgaria, Romania and the USSR



  • Klier, Edgar . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General Lexicon of Fine Artists of the XX. Century. tape 6 , supplements H-Z . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1962, p. 146 .
  • Dietmar Eisold (Ed.): Lexicon artists in the GDR . New Life, Berlin 2010, ISBN 978-3-355-01761-9 , pp. 450 .
  • Cultural Office in conjunction with the Zwickau Municipal Museums (ed.): Retrospective and Confession. Edgar Klier . Zwickau City Administration, Galerie am Domhof, ISBN 978-3-933282-24-8 .
  • Council of the District of Karl-Marx-Stadt, Dept. of Culture; District Art Center (ed.): Retrospective 1945–1984: Fine arts in the Karl-Marx-Stadt district, exhibition on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the GDR from September 28, 1984 to February 14, 1985. Druckhaus Karl-Marx-Stadt 1984. DNB 20982235X

Web links

Individual evidence

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