Eduard Koschwitz

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Eduard Koschwitz (born October 7, 1851 in Breslau ; † May 14, 1904 in Königsberg i. Pr. ) Was a German Romanist , Medievalist , Provençalist and phoneticist .

life and work

Koschwitz received his doctorate in 1875 in Breslau under Gustav Gröber on the old French Charles trip and was a high school teacher for two years . In 1877 he completed his habilitation with Eduard Böhmer in Strasbourg , where he was a private lecturer, and in 1880 he was appointed full professor of Romance philology in Greifswald , where he was rector in 1894/95 . In 1896 he went to Marburg as the successor to Edmund Max Stengel (who became his successor in Greifswald) . In the same year he became a member of the Marburg Burschenschaft Rheinfranken . In 1901 he moved to the Albertus University in Königsberg .

Koschwitz's particular merit lay in the pioneering phonetic and morphological description of the French language of his time (partly in collaboration with the French phonetician Abbé Jean Rousselot ) and in the scientific attention to the New Provençal, whose poet Frédéric Mistral he knew personally. He was committed to the practical relevance of the course, both in the linguistic and in the literary component (inclusion of newer literature). From 1879 he was the editor of the magazine for New French language and literature with special attention to the teaching of French in German schools (from 1889 Z. f. French language and literature ). In Marburg, in 1896, he launched the university vacation courses, international advanced training courses for teachers of modern language school subjects. In 1902 he founded the magazine for French and English teaching .

Fonts (selection)

  • Tradition and language of the Chanson du voyage de Charlemagne à Jérusalem et à Constantinople. A critical investigation. Henninger, Heilbronn 1876, ( digitized version ).
  • as editor: Six adaptations of the old French poem by Charlemagne's trip to Jerusalem and Constantinople. Henninger, Heilbronn 1879, ( digitized ).
  • as editor: Les plus anciens monuments de la langue française. Henninger, Heilbronn 1879, ( digitized ; several editions).
  • as editor: Charlemagne's trip to Jerusalem and Constantinople. An old French poem by the XI. Century (= Old French Library. 2, ZDB -ID 502490-0 ). Henninger, Heilbronn 1880, ( digitized ; several editions).
  • as editor with Wendelin Foerster : Old French exercise book. For use in lectures and seminar exercises. Part 1: The oldest linguistic monuments. Henninger, Leipzig 1884, ( digitized version ).
  • Commentary on the oldest French language monuments. (Volume) 1: Eide, Eulalia, Jonas, Hohes Lied, Stephan (= Old French Library. 10). Henninger, Heilbronn 1886, ( digitized ).
  • New French theory of forms presented according to their phonetic level. Franck, Oppeln et al. 1888, ( digitized version ).
  • Grammar of the written New French language. (16th - 19th century). Part 1: Phonology. Franck, Oppeln et al. 1889, ( digitized ).
  • On the pronunciation of French in Geneva and France (= magazine for French language and literature. Supplement. 7, ZDB -ID 200215-2 ). Gronau, Berlin 1892, ( digitized version ).
  • Les parlers parisiens d'après les témoignages de MM. De Bornier, Coppée, A. Daudet, Desjardins, Got, d'Hulst, le P. Hyacinthe, Leconte de Lisle, G. Paris, Renan, Rod, Sully-Prudhomme, Zola , et autres. Anthology phonétique. Welter, Paris 1893, ( digitized ; several editions).
  • Grammaire historique de la langue des félibres. Abel et al., Greifswald et al. 1894, ( digitized version ).
  • About the Provencal Feliber and their predecessors. Speech at the takeover of the rectorate given in the auditorium of the University of Greifswald on May 11, 1894. Gronau, Berlin 1894, ( digitized version ).
  • French popular moods during the war of 1870-71. Salzer, Heilbronn 1894, (French edition: Les Français avant, pendant et après la guerre de 1870-1871. Étude psychologique basée sur des documents français. Traduction française par Jules Félix. Welter, Paris et al. 1897, ( digitalisat )).
  • Instructions for studying French philology for students and teachers. Elwert, Marburg 1897, ( digitized ; in English: The Study of Colloquial and Literary French. A Manuel for Students and Teachers. Adapted from the German of Eduard Koschwitz by P. Shaw Jeffrey. Whittaker, New York NY 1899; in Russian : Эдуард Кошвиц: Руководство к изучению французской филологии (для студентов, учителей и учительниц). Т-ва Общественная Польза, Санкт-Петербург 1899).
  • as editor: Mirèio. Poème provençal de Frédéric Mistral. Avec un glossaire par Oskar Hennicke. Elwert et al., Marburg et al. 1900, ( online ).
  • as editor: Karl Bartsch : Chrestomathie provençale. (Xe – XVe siècles). 6e édition entièrement refondue. Elwert, Marburg 1904, ( digitized version ).


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Marburg Burschenschaft Rheinfranken
  2. Only this part appeared. Michael O. Krieg: Not more than that. Volume 1: A - L (= Bibliotheca Bibliographica. Vol. 2, Part 1). Krieg, Bad Bocklet et al. 1954, p. 388.

Web links

predecessor Office successor
Gustav Pescatore Rector of the University of Greifswald
Victor Schultze