Eduard Maximilian Röth

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Eduard Maximilian Röth (also Eduard Röth ; * October 12, 1807 in Hanau ; † July 7, 1858 in Heidelberg ) was a German philosopher and university professor .


Röth was the son of an elementary school teacher and grew up in Rödelheim . It was there that he received his first education. He then attended the Royal High School in Wetzlar before going to the University of Giessen to study philosophy. He probably concluded this as Dr. phil. from. He then moved to Frankfurt am Main . There he got a job with a wealthy family and at the same time was able to study rabbinic literature with a Jewish scholar. In 1835 he finished his writing for the letter to the Hebrews there . In 1836 he moved to Paris . There he devoted himself to the study of oriental languages, hieroglyphics and natural sciences. In Paris he came to the realization that the roots of the philosophical insights of the time were not to be found in India and China , but rather he suspected them to be in the teachings of the Egyptians and Zoroastrians .

After his return in 1840, Röth completed his habilitation at Heidelberg University . As a private lecturer , he taught logic and metaphysics, psychology, philosophical encyclopedia and the history of western philosophy and was a popular university professor. In 1846 he got a job at the university as an associate professor , in 1850 as a full professor of philosophy and Sanskrit . However, as early as 1850 his health deteriorated.

Julius Braun was one of his students.

Works (selection)

  • Epistolam vulgo "Ad Hebraeos" inscriptam non ad Hebraeos id est Christianos genere Iudaeos, sed ad Christianos, genere Gentiles et quidem ad Ephesios datam esse Demonstrare Conatur Eduard Maximilian Roeth , Schmerber, Frankfurt am Main 1838.
  • History of our Occidental Philosophy , 2 volumes, Bassermann, Mannheim 1846–1858.
  • The proclamation of Amasis to the Cypriots when the Egyptians took possession of Cyprus around the middle of the sixth century BC , Plon, Paris and Mohr, Heidelberg 1855.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rudolf Eisler : Philosophen-Lexikon , Berlin 1912, p. 612.
  2. At least he was already doing his doctorate in 1838 while working in Frankfurt , see the title page .