Eduin Bauer

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Aurel Reinhard Eduin Bauer (* July 7, 1816 in Walda bei Großenhain , † October 21, 1892 in Freiberg ) was a German pastor, teacher and author.

Bauer attended grammar school in Freiberg in the Ore Mountains and then studied theology. After successfully completing his doctorate in philosophy, in August 1845 he became pastor of the German-Catholic movement in Dresden , which was founded in the same year under the decisive initiative of Robert Blum and Franz Jacob Wigard and finally recognized as a church by the Saxon state parliament in 1848 . He also held this office in Leipzig . In 1850, Bauer worked as a "high school senior teacher of the exact sciences" in Zwickau . In Bauer's first marriage with Amalie Auguste geb. Heider was born in Zwickau in 1850, their son, the politician Otto Bauer . After just three years, Eduin Bauer moved to the small community in Rübenau and in 1858 to Oberwiesenthal as a Protestant pastor . In 1862 he went to Misslareuth as a pastor and in 1869 to Schönbach near Grimma. He stayed there until his retirement in 1892. He died that same year.

In his spare time he was also active as an author of theological writings. But the story, Die Tellerhäuser am Fichtelberge , published in the Deutsche Volksbücherei also comes from his pen.


  • The solemn introduction by Pastor Dr. Eduin Bauer and the newly elected elders to the German-Catholic community in Dresden on August 31, 1845. In addition to those of Wigard and Dr. Farmer made speeches. Klinkicht, Meißen 1846 ( digitized version of the SLUB Dresden ).
  • Hans-Martin Moderow: Elementary school between state and church . Böhlau Verlag, Cologne Weimar 2007, p. 172f.

Web links

Bauer, Aurel Reinhard Eduin . In: Institute for Saxon History and Folklore (Ed.): Saxon Biography .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Address book from Zwickau 1850. SLUB Dresden
  2. Stadtarchiv Radeberg: Death entry no.210 on Otto Bauer from October 24, 1916