Edvard Magnus Rodhe

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Rodhe around 1906

Edvard Magnus Rodhe (born December 17, 1878 in Lund , † April 12, 1954 in Skara ) was a Swedish theologian , university professor and Lutheran bishop .


Rodhe was a son of the theologian and later bishop Edvard Herman Rodhe . He studied at Lund University from 1896 , took the philosophical candidate exam in 1898 and the theological candidate exam in 1904. He completed semesters abroad in Leipzig, Marburg and Berlin and worked temporarily as an amanuensis at the university library . After graduating as Dr. phil. In 1905 he received a lectureship in church history in Lund and also worked as a teacher. In 1907/08 he was the professor for practical theology in Lund. From the University of Uppsala he was appointed to the chair of practical theology in 1912 and in the same year he was awarded a doctorate. theol. PhD. He also served as the main pastor ( kyrkoherde ) in Gamla Uppsala and from 1918 as provost .

1919 returned Rodhe back as a professor of practical theology and canon law to Lund, connected to the office as provost at the Lund Cathedral . In 1925 he was appointed bishop of the Lund diocese and was thus also the university's procancellor. In 1948 he retired.

Rodhe had been married since 1906 to Ruth Billing (1876-1951), a daughter of Bishop Gottfrid Billing , whose successor he later became. His children include the philosopher Sven Edvard Rodhe and the theologian Sten Rodhe .


Rodhe's first major works were monographs on church history on Jacob Axelsson Lindblom and Henrik Schartau . From 1910 he switched to investigations into the liturgy of the Swedish Church , also out of interest in a careful reform of the order of worship. He also remained theologically active as a bishop and published some major studies on the Swedish church and intellectual history of the 19th century. His religious books for elementary school lessons were also widely used.

In addition to his literary work and the work for the management of the diocese, Rodhe was particularly active in the committees for the revision of the agendas and the hymn book. He was also internationally active, u. a. in the Lutheran World Federation and in the Luther Academy Sondershausen. As one of the first Swedish churchmen, he campaigned for the opening of the rectory to women since 1921.

Fonts (selection)

  • Jacob Axelsson Lindblom såsom biskop i Linköping. Lund 1905.
  • Kyrka and skola i Sverige under 1800-talet. Lund 1908.
  • Henrik Schartau såsom lecturer. Lund 1909.
  • Dopritualet i svenska kyrkan efter reformations. Lund 1910.
  • Kyrkolag och kyrkohandbok. En kyrkorättslig study. Lund 1911.
  • Swedish Church Studies (= Studies in Practical Theology, Vol. 6, H. 2). Giessen 1913.
  • Kyrkan och nykterhetsrörelsen. En historisk study. Uppsala 1915.
  • Study i the svenska reformationstidens liturgiska tradition. Uppsala 1917.
  • Live more doze. Eskatologiska strömningar i nutiden. Stockholm 1921.
  • Handling för undervisare i kristendom vid folkskolan. Stockholm 1921.
  • Textbok för kristendomsundervisningen i folkskolan. Stockholm 1921; 45th edition 1936.
  • Svenskt gudstjänstliv. Historisk belysning av den svenska kyrkohandboken. Stockholm 1923.
  • Svenska kyrkan omkring sekelskiftet. Stockholm 1930.
  • The religious liberalisms: Nils Ignell - Viktor Rydberg - Pontus Wikner . Stockholm 1935.
  • Geijer och samhället. A study i svensk tradition. Stockholm 1942.


predecessor Office successor
Gottfrid Billing Bishop of Lund
1925 - 1948
Nygren is different