Population development of Görlitz

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This article shows the population development of Görlitz in a table.


Population development of the city of Görlitz from 1825 to 2015 (from 1946 separate presentation of the German and Polish parts as well as the joint population development of the European city of Görlitz / Zgorzelec)

The population of Görlitz in the Middle Ages was at an unusual level at the time. After Breslau and Erfurt, Görlitz was one of the largest cities in Central Germany, promoted by its exposed position in European trade. In the early modern times, hit by a stroke of fate ( Oberlausitzer Pönfall ) and due to the changing world trade as a result of the development of overseas shipping, the population stagnated for over 200 years. Due to numerous wars, epidemics and famines, it kept falling. It was not until industrialization in the 19th century that population growth accelerated. In 1815 only 8,800 people lived in the city, by 1900 there were already 81,000.

In the course of the European reorganization after the Second World War , Görlitz was divided ( Oder-Neisse border ). The part of the city east of the Neisse has been Polish territory since then and is called Zgorzelec . The population fell by around 20 percent from 94,000 in 1939 to 74,000 in 1945. But as early as 1949, the population of the city of Görlitz exceeded the limit of 100,000, mainly due to the displaced people from the former German eastern regions, making it a major city . A little later, the city's population also reached its historical high of 101,742. Shortly thereafter, it fell below this limit again, by around 24,000 to 77,609 by 1988.

Since the fall of the Wall in the GDR, the city has lost around 20,000 people - a quarter of the population - due to emigration and a decline in the birth rate. On December 31, 2008, the “ official population ” for Görlitz was 56,461 according to an update by the state statistical office of the Free State of Saxony (only main residences and after comparison with the other state offices). That is only slightly more inhabitants than in 1885. Since 1949 that is a decrease of 44.5 percent (45,281 people). A further decline in the population was expected. The State Statistical Office forecast a population for Görlitz of 46,400 in 2020. The actual development was stabilized and the population was 56,214 at the end of 2019

The following overview shows the number of inhabitants according to the respective territorial status. Up to 1815 these are mostly estimates, then census results (¹) or official updates by the city administration (until 1944), the state central administration for statistics (1945 to 1989) and the state statistical office (from 1990). From 1871, the information relates to the “local population”, from 1925 to the resident population and since 1966 to the population at the place of the main residence . Before 1871, the number of inhabitants was determined according to inconsistent survey procedures.

From 1415 to 1944

(respective territorial status)

Year / key date Residents Remarks
1415 7,800
1500 8,000
1530 9,100
1641 5,000
1717 5,500
1781 7,600
1815 8,785
December 1, 1825 ¹ 10,724 (including military personnel) 10,482 Evangelicals, 236 Catholics, six Jews (without civil rights, with temporary right of residence)
December 1, 1831 ¹ 12,332
December 1, 1840 ¹ 14,615 (including military personnel) 14,034 Evangelicals, 558 Catholics and 23 Jews (without civil rights, with temporary residence rights)
December 3, 1855 ¹ 23,326
December 3, 1858 ¹ 25,254
December 3, 1861 ¹ 26,500
December 3, 1864¹ 31,500
December 3, 1867 ¹ 36,689 (Including the garrison: a battalion of Jäger No. 5, a battalion of infantry No. 19, a battalion of Landwehr No. 6, a battalion of the 1st Guard Grenadier Landwehr Regiment) 32,983 Protestants, 3,130 Catholics and 373 Jews
December 1, 1871 ¹ 42,224
December 1, 1875 ¹ 45.310
December 1, 1880¹ 50,307
December 1, 1885 ¹ 55,702
December 1, 1890¹ 62,135 53,456 Protestants, 7,588 Catholics and 694 Jews
December 2, 1895 ¹ 70.175
December 1, 1900 ¹ 80.931 (including the garrison, consisting of two battalions of infantry No. 19) 68,173 Evangelicals and 11,458 Catholics as well as 627 Jews
December 1, 1905 ¹ 83,766
December 1, 1910¹ 85,806 72,144 Evangelicals and 11,661 Catholics
December 1, 1916 ¹ 78,300
December 5, 1917 ¹ 69,460
October 8, 1919 ¹ 80,362
December 31, 1920 83.004
June 16, 1925 ¹ 91,702
December 31, 1930 94,233
June 16, 1933 ¹ 94.182 76,863 Protestants, 10,844 Catholics, 57 other Christians, 376 Jews
December 31, 1935 93,875
May 17, 1939 ¹ 93,823 71,658 Protestants, 10,989 Catholics, 489 other Christians, 134 Jews
December 31, 1940 95,500

¹ census result

From 1945 to 1989

(respective territorial status)

Deadline Residents
December 1, 1945 ¹ 73,583
October 29, 1946 ¹ 85,686
December 31, 1949 101,742
August 31, 1950 ¹ 100.147
December 31, 1955 96.147
December 31, 1956 93,759
December 31, 1957 92,351
December 31, 1958 91,073
December 31, 1959 90,658
December 31, 1960 89.909
December 31, 1961 89.021
December 31, 1962 89.284
December 31, 1963 89,578
Deadline Residents
December 31, 1964 ¹ 88,800
December 31, 1965 88,632
December 31, 1966 88.905
December 31, 1967 88,645
December 31, 1968 88.139
December 31, 1969 87,623
December 31, 1970 ¹ 87,492
December 31, 1971 86,790
December 31, 1972 86,421
December 31, 1973 85,789
December 31, 1974 84,658
December 31, 1975 83,896
December 31, 1976 83.010
Deadline Residents
December 31, 1977 82,474
December 31, 1978 81,963
December 31, 1979 81,527
December 31, 1980 81,399
December 31, 1981 ¹ 80.831
December 31, 1982 80,492
December 31, 1983 80.216
December 31, 1984 79,633
December 31, 1985 79,277
December 31, 1986 78,856
December 31, 1987 78,484
December 31, 1988 77,609
December 31, 1989 74,766

¹ census result

Source: State Central Administration for Statistics

Since 1990

(respective territorial status)

Deadline Residents
December 31, 1990 72,237
December 31, 1991 70,448
December 31, 1992 68,851
December 31, 1993 67,647
December 31, 1994 67,755
December 31, 1995 66,118
December 31, 1996 64,518
December 31, 1997 63,301
December 31, 1998 62,076
December 31, 1999 62,871
December 31, 2000 61,599
December 31, 2001 60.264
Deadline Residents
December 31, 2002 59.284
December 31, 2003 58,518
December 31, 2004 58,154
December 31, 2005 57,629
December 31, 2006 57.111
December 31, 2007 56,724
December 31, 2008 56,461
December 31, 2009 55,928
December 31, 2010 55,596
December 31, 2011 55,350
December 31, 2012 54.114
December 31 2013 54,042
Deadline Residents
December 31, 2014 54.193
December 31, 2015 55,255
December 31, 2016 56,188
December 31, 2017 56,685
December 31, 2018 56,597
December 31, 2019 56.214

Source: State Statistical Office of the Free State of Saxony

Development of the birth and death rates as well as immigration and emigration

Population balance between 1991 and 2008

The number of people moving into the urban area has been increasing since the beginning of the 1990s. The number of people leaving is also falling after the maximum at the beginning of the 2000s and has stabilized. In 2008, the number of immigrants exceeded the number of departures for the first time since the fall of the Wall . However, the number of births remains far behind the deaths, which means that there is still a birth deficit. In 2008, 334 more citizens died than new citizens were born in the urban area.

Population forecast

The Bertelsmann Foundation , Guide to Demographic Change , provides data on the development of the population of 2,959 municipalities in Germany (published January 2006). For Görlitz, a population decline of 20.0 percent (11,691 people) is predicted between 2003 and 2020.

Absolute population development 2012–2030 - forecast for Görlitz (main residences):

year forecast population real population development
2012 54.110 54,956
2020 51,980 -
2025 50,360 -
2030 48,510 -

Source: Bertelsmann Foundation

Population structure

Population structure as of August 31, 2011
population Population share in%
Total residents with primary residence 54,733 100
of which male 26,241 47.9
Female 28,492 52.1
Total residents of German citizenship 52,732 96.3
of which male 25,344 46.3
Female 27,388 50.0
Total foreign residents 2,001 3.7
of which male 897 1.6
Female 1.104 2.0

age structure

age structure
Population pyramid of the city of Görlitz, 2008. The age groups 75 and over are always summarized in 5-year steps.

The overview shows the age structure in 2008 (main residences).

Age in years population Percentage ownership %
0-9 4,269 7.6
10-19 4.134 7.3
20-29 6,963 12.3
30-39 5,837 10.3
40-49 8,658 15.3
50-59 7,969 14.1
60-69 8,125 14.4
70 and more 10,506 18.6
Goerlitz 56,461 100.0

City and districts

Population density of Görlitz city and districts

The population figures refer to December 31 of each year (main residences).

Surname 2003 residents 2004 residents Residents 2005 Population 2007 Residents 2008 2009 residents Residents 2010 Distribution of residents 2010 Average age (2009)
Districts 54,108 53,827 53,330 52,579 52,295 52.035 51,884 94.4% 46.62
Old town 2.149 2,217 2,268 2,341 2,375 2,331 2,350 4.3% 37.48
Biesnitz 3,967 4.027 4.016 3,979 3,952 3,910 3,937 7.2% 45.63
Downtown 13,660 13,808 13,857 14,050 14,274 14,451 14,659 26.7% 39.52
Klingewalde 679 670 675 630 621 608 600 1.0% 42.69
King hooves 10,245 9,920 9,502 8,882 8,668 8,465 8,264 15.0% 53.01
Nikolaivorstadt 1,492 1,518 1,520 1,472 1,506 1,543 1,510 2.7% 39.52
Rauschwalde 6,566 6,536 6,511 6.338 6,259 6.140 6,088 11.1% 53.98
Südstadt 8,910 8,827 8,737 8,760 8,773 8,860 8,831 16.1% 46.52
Weinhübel 6,440 6,304 6,244 6.127 5,867 5,727 5,645 10.3% 54.70
Districts 3,569 3,481 3,408 3,306 3,288 3,195 3,105 5.6% 46.60
Hagenwerder 1,070 1,020 984 940 928 906 870 1.6% 45.06
Klein Neundorf 134 127 129 125 125 122 123 0.2% 45.92
Kunnerwitz 582 576 575 566 556 541 525 1.0% 48.68
Ludwigsdorf 857 850 844 820 814 800 762 1.4% 43.77
Ober-Neundorf 331 313 305 296 297 287 271 0.5% 43.78
Clever red 389 389 367 358 365 345 364 0.7% 46.48
Immersion scratch 206 206 204 201 203 194 190 0.3% 50.99
Goerlitz 57,677 57,308 56,738 55,885 55,583 55,230 54,989 100.0% 46.62

Source: Population register of the city of Görlitz, municipal statistics office


  • Imperial Statistical Office (Ed.): Statistical Yearbook for the German Empire , 1880–1918
  • Statistisches Reichsamt (Ed.): Statistical yearbook for the German Reich , 1919–1941 / 42
  • German Association of Cities (Ed.): Statistical Yearbook of German Communities , 1890 ff.
  • State Central Administration for Statistics (Ed.): Statistical Yearbook of the German Democratic Republic , 1955–1989

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Official Journal of the large district town of Görlitz Edition 2020, No. 02). City administration of Görlitz, accessed on February 25, 2020 .
  2. ^ Johann Georg Knie : Alphabetical-statistical-topographical overview of the villages, spots, towns and other places of the royal family. Prussia. Province of Silesia, including the Margraviate of Upper Lusatia, which now belongs entirely to the province, and the County of Glatz; together with the attached evidence of the division of the country into the various branches of civil administration . Breslau 1830, p. 930 .
  3. ^ Johann Georg Knie : Alphabetical-statistical-topographical overview of the villages, spots, cities and other places of the royal family. Prussia. Province of Silesia, along with the attached division of the country according to the districts of the three royal governments, the principalities and districts contained therein, with details of the area, the central elevation above the sea, the inhabitants, buildings, the cattle range, etc. 2nd edition, Breslau 1845, P. 825 .
  4. ^ Gustav Neumann : The German Empire in geographical, statistical and topographical relation . Volume 2, GFO Müller, Berlin 1874, p. 229 .
  5. a b c d e Michael Rademacher: German administrative history from the unification of the empire in 1871 to the reunification in 1990. goerlitz.html. (Online material for the dissertation, Osnabrück 2006).
  6. a b Meyer's Large Conversation Lexicon . 6th edition, Volume 8, Leipzig / Vienna 1907, pp. 138-139 .
  7. Population of the Free State of Saxony at the end of each month for selected reporting months by municipality (source: population extrapolation based on census data from May 9, 2011). State Statistical Office of the Free State of Saxony, accessed on July 17, 2016 .
  8. Official Gazette of the large district town of Görlitz Edition 2019, No. 02. City administration of Görlitz, accessed on February 25, 2020 .
  9. Official Gazette of the large district town of Görlitz Edition 2020, No. 02. City administration of Görlitz, accessed on February 25, 2020 .
  10. Stadtverwaltung Görlitz, Kommunale Statisticsstelle (Ed.): Statistisches Jahrbuch 2009 . Görlitz City Administration, Central Copy Office, 2009, p. 30, 33 .
  11. ^ Bertelsmann Foundation: Population forecast
  12. goerlitz.de: Monthly statistical figures - 2011/08 , municipal statistics office . (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on September 27, 2013 ; Retrieved September 26, 2013 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.goerlitz.de
  13. Stadtverwaltung Görlitz, Kommunale Statisticsstelle (Ed.): Statistisches Jahrbuch 2009 . Görlitz City Administration, Central Copy Office, 2009, p. 24 .
  14. Stadtverwaltung Görlitz, Kommunale Statisticsstelle (Ed.): Statistisches Jahrbuch 2009 . Görlitz City Administration, Central Copy Office, 2009, p. 27 .