Elias Veiel

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Elias Veiel (born July 20, 1635 in Ulm ; † February 23, 1706 ibid) was a German Lutheran theologian.


Veiel attended the University of Strasbourg from 1655 , where he obtained his master's degree in 1657 . He then studied Protestant theology at the universities of Heidelberg , Leipzig (matriculated in the summer semester 1661), Wittenberg and Jena (matriculated in the summer semester 1662). In 1662 he became a preacher at Ulm Minster and in 1663 he was also professor of theology at the local grammar school . At the request of the Ulm Council, he acquired the title of Dr. theol. , was promoted to director of the grammar school in 1671 and took over the supervision of the parish of Ulm as superintendent in 1678 . In this position (in 1680 the office of city librarian was added) he remained until his death and in 1686 refused, among other things, an appointment to succeed Abraham Calov at the University of Wittenberg.

Veiel's marriage to Anna Maria Zämann, daughter of the doctor Jakob Zämann in Ulm, resulted in five sons and one daughter, including Elias Jakob Veiel (1673–1743), who succeeded him as minister pastor.

Veiel published a number of exegetical, historical-theological and dogmatic writings mostly in Latin, but also volumes of sermons and a representation of the Protestant faith drawn from Martin Luther's writings. Although he had been friends with Philipp Jakob Spener since his student days and corresponded with him regularly for over three decades, he was critical of pietism . In 1701/02 he published two writings against Gottfried Arnold's impartial church and heretic history .

Fonts (selection)

  • Sylloge Controversiarum Quarundam Papisticarum . Ulm 1664 ( digitized version ).
  • Exercitatio historico-theologica de Ecclesia Græcanica hodierna . Strasbourg 1666.
  • Dogmatis pontificii de transsubstantiatione pium ac modestum examen . Ulm 1668 ( digitized version ).
  • Consideratio Anabaptismi Monachalis à L. Allatio monachis graecis imputati . Ulm 1670 ( digitized version ).
  • Short and simple instruction / Which form the evangelical truth / according to the instructions of our Christian catechism / Against the papal falsehood / humbly may be defended . Ulm 1670 ( digitized version ).
  • De reliquiis Pelagianismi in papismo latitantibus . Ulm 1672 ( digitized version ).
  • / What a from [m] he Protestant Christian can prepare themselves by any and all Artickel and Puncten Christian religion and teaching / healing to God ... Erkäntnis thorough [or Schrifftmässiger] lessons make . Gotha 1675 ( digitized ).
  • Violetum Davidico-Augustinianum amavissimis atque fragrantissimis, exquisitatrum explanationum, piarum meditationum, nec non dulcissimarum consolationum flosculis, ex enarrationibus S. Augustini in Psalmos decerptis… Ulm 1679.
  • Historia Et Necessitas Reformationis Evangelicae, per B. Lutherum feliciter institutae… Ulm 1692 ( digitized version ).
  • Romano-catholicus dubitantius in disputatione de conceptione BVM by DPF Petrum de Alva et Astorga ... Frankfurt 1697.
  • Dissertatio Isagogica in Selecta Historiae Ecclesiasticae Capita, sive in Dissertationes Historicas, Chronologicas, Criticas… Ulm 1699.
  • Obvious evidence that the measured heretic patron Gottfried Arnold translated the Valentinian heretic fragment Theodoti neither comprehensibly nor faithfully ... Ulm 1701.


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