Elisabeth Zurgilgen

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Elisabeth "Sabi" Zurgilgen (born August 17, 1955 ) is a Swiss writer and university lecturer .


Zurgilgen in Sarnen in the canton of Obwalden grew up, where she attended the 1975 district school Obwalden their Matura took off. From 1975 to 1983 she studied German and pedagogy at the University of Bern with a Lic. Phil . From 1982 to 1983 she attended the Ringier School of Journalism in Zofingen and completed from 2006 continuing CAS Consulting in practice at the Institute of Applied Psychology of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences .

She worked as an editor and freelance journalist for various Central Switzerland newspapers, Weltwoche , Eastern Switzerland , NZZ and from 1993 to 1998 for the Neue Luzerner Zeitung . She redesigned the Obwaldner Wochenblatt , which she headed from 1998 to 2002. Zurgilgen has been a lecturer in German communication at the Lucerne School of Business since September 2002 .

Elisabeth Zurgilgen has been working as a writer for Radio SRF 1 since 1997 , initially for the “New Day” section and then as the narrator of the morning stories . In 2012 the audio book Fligelschlag was published with her morning stories from 2002 to 2012.

Zurgilgen has a son and a daughter. She is friends with Luke Gasser .

Works (selection)

Zurgilgen is the author of numerous portraits, radio plays, musical texts and stories. Her first novel No Country for Old Women was published in 2014 , followed by the two sequels No wonder it trembles and As long as they beat the drum .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The Obwalden woman with the many stories. Interview with Elisabeth Zurgilgen, in: Zentralschweiz on Sunday, June 24, 2018, p. 21.
  2. Elisabeth Zurgilgen on the website of Radio SRF 1, accessed on January 28, 2017
  3. Blüemlisalp ire summer night… . In: Schweizer Illustrierte , 8/2012, February 20, 2012, p. 15
  4. “Even if the main character is similar to me, I am not her” , conversation with Elisabeth Zurgilgen on Radio SRF 1 on December 9, 2014, 6:57 min.