Elmera racemosa

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Elmera racemosa
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Elmera racemosa

Nuclear eudicotyledons
Order : Saxifragales (Saxifragales)
Family : Saxifragaceae (Saxifragaceae)
Genre : Elmera
Type : Elmera racemosa
Scientific name of the  genus
Scientific name of the  species
Elmera racemosa
( S. Watson ) Rydb.
Close up

Elmera racemosa is the only plant species of the genus Elmera in the family of the Saxifragaceae (Saxifragaceae). It isnative tonorthwestern North America.


Vegetative characteristics

Elmera racemosa grows as a perennial herbaceous plant and reaches heights of 10 to 35 cm. It does not form rhizomes or stolons. The slender, subterranean part of the stem has scale-shaped lower leaves. The upright, tiny, hairy stem has two to three leaves that become smaller towards the top. Most of the leaves stand together in a basal leaf rosette and are divided into a petiole and a leaf blade. The little to intensely hairy leaf stalks are 2 to 10 cm long. The 1 to 3 cm long leaf blade is circular to broadly kidney-shaped with a heart-shaped base and pinnate. The leaf margin is made up of five to nine weak, rounded lobes that are notched. The leaf surface is hairy glandular. The brownish stipules are membranous and 2 to 5 mm long.

Generative characteristics

In an elongated, 10 to 35 cm long, racemose inflorescence there are 10 to 28 flowers above glandular hairy, scale-shaped bracts on pedicels. The flowers are hermaphroditic and five-fold with double perianth . The 5 to 9 mm long, bell-shaped, green, white or cream-colored, intensely glandular hairy flower cup (hypanthium) is up to a quarter fused with the ovary; the free area is 2.5 to 4 mm long. The five triangular to elongated sepals are greenish-yellow and 1 to 4 mm long. The five white or cream-colored petals are narrowly lanceolate to oblong, 3 to 5 mm long and usually four to seven-lobed, rarely unlobed. There is only the outer circle with five stamens ; they do not rise above the petals. The one-quarter-under permanent ovary is unilocular. The ovules are completely fused and the placentation is parietal. The two 1 to 2.5 mm long stylus do not protrude beyond the petals and each end in a scar. The flowering period extends from July to August.

The broadly egg-shaped, two-beaked capsule fruit is brown and contains 125 to 150 seeds. The fruit opens between the two short fruit beaks. The dark brown seeds are ellipsoidal, 1 to 1.4 mm long and tiny papillae .

The basic chromosome number is n = 7.


The home of Elmera racemosa located in British Columbia , Oregon and Washington . Elmera racemosa thrives on ledges, cliffs and alpine open mountain slopes and prefers open areas at altitudes between 1500 and 2800 meters. Elmera racemosa is found at and above the tree line in the Cascade Chains of southwestern British Columbia, the Okanogan and Cascade Chains, the Olympic Peninsula , Mount Rainier and Mount Adams in Washington, and from the Oregon Cascades to the north Klamath County and adjacent Douglas County .


This species was first described in 1885 under the name Heuchera racemosa by Sereno Watson in Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences , Volume 20, p. 365. In 1905, Per Axel Rydberg created the new genus Elmera with this species under the name Elmera racemosa in North American Flora , Volume 22, Part 2, p. 97 . Another synonym is Elmera racemosa var. Puberulenta C.L. Hitchcock .

The generic name Elmera honors the plant collector Adolph Daniel Edward Elmer (1870–1942), who was particularly active in western North America. The specific epithet racemosa means grape.


  • Elizabeth Fortson Wells & Patrick E. Elvander: Elmera in the Flora of North America , Volume 8, 2009, p. 105: Genus and Species - Online.

Individual evidence

  1. S. Watson: Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences , Volume 20, 1885, p. 365 scanned at biodiversitylibrary.org.
  2. Per Axel Rydberg: North American Flora , 22 (2), 1905, p. 97 scanned at biodiversitylibrary.org.

Web links

Commons : Elmera racemosa  - collection of images, videos and audio files