Emanuel Messias de Oliveira

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Emanuel Messias de Oliveira (born April 22, 1948 in Salinas , Minas Gerais ) is a Brazilian clergyman and Roman Catholic bishop of Caratinga .


Emanuel Messias de Oliveira was ordained a priest on February 4, 1976 .

Pope John Paul II appointed him Bishop of Guanhães on January 14, 1998 . The bishop of Governador Valadares , José Goncalves Heleno , ordained him episcopal on April 19 of the same year ; Co - consecrators were Hermínio Malzone Hugo , Former Bishop of Governador Valadares, and Luciano Pedro Mendes de Almeida SJ , Archbishop of Mariana . He chose MISERICORDIÆ MINISTRY as the motto .

He was appointed Bishop of Caratinga on February 16, 2011, and was instituted on May 20 of the same year.

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predecessor Office successor
Antônio Felippe da Cunha SDN Bishop of Guanhães
Jeremias Antônio de Jesus
Hélio Gonçalves Heleno Bishop of Caratinga
since 2011