Emanuel Richter

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Emanuel Richter (born August 20, 1953 in Willsbach , today part of Obersulm ) is a German political scientist .

Richter studied political science, sociology , German and philosophy in Mainz , Bonn and Paris . Since 2000 he has been Professor of Political Systems at the Institute for Political Science at RWTH Aachen University . He previously taught and researched at the University of California, Irvine .

His main research interests are comparative systems research with a special focus on Western Europe and the Atlantic area, republican political theory , democracy theory - especially problems of trans - and supranational democracy - and European integration .

Richter has been a liaison professor since 2000 and has been a member of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation's selection committee since 2012 . He has also been a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Bonn Academy for Research and Teaching of Practical Politics since 2015 .

In addition, he regularly acts as a commentator on the political reporting of the television station Phoenix .

Publications (selection)

  • Guiding principles of European federalism. The history of the development of the idea of ​​a European federal state up to the beginning of the 20th century , Bonn 1983 (plus dissertation, Bonn 1982).
  • The disintegration of world unity. Reason and globalization in the modern age , Frankfurt / Main 1992.
  • The expansion of domination. A study of democracy theory , Opladen 1994.
  • Republican Europe. Aspects of a catching-up civilization , Opladen 1999.
  • Republican politics. Democratic public sphere and political morality , Reinbek 2004.
  • 20 questions for Europe. Instructions for a democratic self-questioning , Opladen 2007.
  • The roots of democracy , Weilerswist 2008.
  • What is political competence? Politicians and committed citizens in democracy , Frankfurt / Main & New York 2011.
  • Democratic symbolism. A theory of democracy , Berlin 2016.
  • Senior democracy. The aging of society and its consequences for politics , Berlin 2020.

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