Emil Robert Höpner

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Emil Robert Höpner (born July 4, 1846 in Dresden ; † December 20, 1903 there ) was a German organist and music teacher .

Live and act

Emil Höpner was the Royal Saxon music director and organist at the Frauenkirche from 1872 to 1885. He was unanimously elected to succeed the deceased organist Christian Robert Pfretzschner (1821–1885) in this position at the Kreuzkirche . There he worked from 1885 to 1902 and as a teacher at the Conservatory for Music in his native Dresden. Cross organist was also the father, Christian Gottlob Höpner (1799-1859), from 1837 to 1859. Emil Höpner had his first organist position at the Reforming Church in Dresden at the end of the 1860s and he also worked as a music teacher. As a full member of the Ton-Künstler-Verein zu Dresden , Höpner participated on March 9, 1885 together with the teacher of the Dresden Conservatory Eugen Krantz (1844–1898) in a practice evening of this association by playing the “Bach Concerto for Two Pianos in C major “Accompanied by string instruments. On April 7, 1893, Höpner also took part in an evening of performance by the Tonkünstler-Verein zu Dresden and played Mozart's "Sonata in E flat major for two pianoforte" with his colleague from the conservatory and organist of the Frauenkirche, Paul Janssen .

Höpner was one of the Dresden organists who presented the new Jehmlich organ in its tonal possibilities on March 12, 1899 in Loschwitz . Together with the organist and cantor of the Johanniskirche, Ernst Hans Fährmann (1860-1940), and the church musician at the St. Petrikirche, Friedrich Wilhelm Borrmann, as well as the local church school teacher, Friedrich Kettner, the Kreuz organist organized a gala concert in the converted Loschwitz church.

In addition to his work as an organist, Höpner gave piano and organ lessons. In the school year 1884/85 eight pupils attended his lessons in the special subject of music at the Dresden Conservatory . Since December 1, 1885, he also gave organ lessons there. The later conductor and composer Georg Pittrich was one of his students . On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the assumption of patronage over the Dresden Conservatory by the Saxon Crown Prince and later King Albert of Saxony , the Royal Music Director Höpner played the festival prelude for organ four hands and double pedal together with Paul Janssen . As a teacher at the Dresden Conservatory, Höpner was last mentioned in the Dresden address book from 1901 when he lived on Grunaer Straße . He supported the library of the music conservatory with valuable gifts. In 1902 he retired as organist at the Kreuzkirche.


The cellist of the Sächsische Hofkapelle from 1870 to 1908 and composer Carl Hüllweck (1852–1910) gave his "dear friends Emil Höpner organist at the Frauenkirche in Dresden" an arioso for cello and organ, also for "pianoforte" / piano. Gustav Flügel (1812–1900) dedicated his work to Op. 99 III fugues for organ by the Kreuz organist Emil Höpner also during his lifetime. The Kreuz organist was appointed music director in 1891.

Grave site of the organist Robert Emil Höpner in the old Annenfriedhof

Final resting place

The German-language American newspaper Indiana Tribüne reported in early 1904 from the Dresden villa district of Loschwitz that “after a long suffering Robert Emil Höpner, music director and organist retired. D. died ". The newspaper Dresdner Latest Nachrichten had already announced on December 23, 1903 that the royal music director, organist Höpner had died in Loschwitz, emphasizing his longstanding ties to the Dresden Conservatory and the Kreuzkirche.

Höpner's final resting place is in the Old Annenfriedhof in Dresden. His wife Bertha Höpner, née Braunsdorf, born on November 16, 1870, died on March 21, 1951, was also buried there. The son Robert Paul Höpner, born in 1892 and for decades (since 1914) organist and cantor at the Lukaskirche , caused his sister Margarethe (1893–1962) to be commemorated on her parents' tombstone, especially because of her loyalty to duty.

Web links

  • Address book for Dresden 1867 with the address of “Höpner, Rob. Emil ”and the profession: Pianoforte teacher, p. 113
  • Address book for Dresden 1870 with the address of “Höpner, Rob. Emil ”and the profession: organist and music teacher, p. 121; Digitized SLUB Dresden
  • Address book for Dresden 1902 with the address of “Höpner, Rob. Emil ”, p. 271; Digitized SLUB Dresden
  • Höpner's tomb: Bible verse based on Martin Luther's translation
  • Indiana Tribüne, Volume 27, Number 168, German edition of March 8, 1904 with the news of Emil Höpner's death; Saxony: Page 6: Column 4 Loschwitz

Individual evidence

  1. Neue Zeitschrift für Musik [organ of the Allgemeine Deutsche Musikverein and the Beethoven Foundation], No. 7 of February 13, 1885, p. 88
  2. GND; DNB portal
  3. ^ Address and business handbook of the royal capital and residence city of Dresden, 1859, p. 79; Digitized SLUB Dresden /
  4. ^ Dresden address book, Volume 1869, p. 82
  5. ^ Address book Dresden, Volume 1869, 1st section p. 116, column 2; Digitized SLUB Dresden
  6. ^ Report on the Tonkünstler-Verein zu Dresden Volume [20] 1873/74, p. 27 No. 57
  7. ^ Report on the Tonkünstler-Verein zu Dresden Volume [31] 1884/85, p. 18; Digitized SLUB Dresden
  8. Neue Zeitschrift für Musik , No. 20/21 of May 24, 1893, p. 241
  9. Steude, Wolfram in Herrmann, Matthias : The Dresden Church Music in the 19th and 20th Centuries , Vol. 3, Laaber 1998, p. 435; ISBN 3-89007-331-X
  10. Report of the Royal. Conservatoriums für Musik zu Dresden , school year 1890/91, p. 17; Digitized SLUB Dresden
  11. ^ Breslaur, Emil : The piano teacher. Music educational magazine. Organ of the German music teacher associations and the Tonkünstler associations. Berlin 1898, p. 77 column 2; Issue No. 6 from March 15, 1898
  12. Op. 7, published by Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig / Brussels 1885, title recording SLUB Dresden; Catalog
  13. Published by Rieter-Biedermann¸ Leipzig 1890
  14. ^ Housing and business handbook of the royal residence and capital Dresden . Volume 38, submission deadline: October 15, 1891; Second part, IV. Section, p. 93: Kreuzkirche , "Organist: Höpner, Rob. Emil, Königl. Musikdirektor"
  15. ^ Indiana Tribüne , Volume 27, Number 168, published in Indianapolis ; German edition of March 8, 1904, p. 6
  16. Last resident: Straussstrasse 3 in Löschwitz, according to the Dresden und Vororte address book, volume 1904, part VI, p. 256, column 3; Digitized SLUB Dresden
  17. ^ Dresdner Latest News , December 23, 1903, No. 354, page 3, column 2; Digitized SLUB Dresden
  18. ^ Portrait of Paul Höpner, (* April 29, 1892) photographed by Ursula Richter around 1932/33 owned by SLUB / Deutsche Fotothek; Object 81105210
  19. ^ Address book Dresden, volume 1943/44, p. 341, column 1: "Höpner, Emil Robert Paul , cantor and organist"; Digitized SLUB Dresden