Emmanuel André

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Emmanuel André (born October 7, 1826 in Bagneux-la-Fosse , canton Les Riceys , † March 31, 1903 in Mesnil-Saint-Loup ) was a French Roman Catholic clergyman, Benedictine , abbot and founder of a monastery.

life and work


Ernest André grew up as the eldest child of a carpenter and mill operator in the Aube department (from 1832 in Les Riceys, southeast of Troyes ). At the age of 13 he entered the seminary school ( Petit Séminaire ) in Troyes. In 1843 a visit to the ruins of the abbey of Molesme Abbey near Les Riceys made him want to become a monk. He entered the Troyes Seminary and was ordained a priest in December 1849. His first (and only) parish was the village of Mesnil-Saint-Loup, 20 km west of Troyes.


In an effort to intensify the village life of piety, he met Pope Pius IX (on the occasion of a pilgrimage to Rome) on July 5, 1852 . Personal permission to name the statue of Mary in the village church Notre-Dame de la Sainte-Espérance (Our Lady of Holy Hope). He managed to get almost the whole village, including the men traditionally distant from the church, to the Bittruf Notre-Dame de la Sainte-Espérance, convertissez-nous! (Confirmed by Rome in 1854) . (Mother of Holy Hope, convert us!) To swear and convert to collective piety and virtue (with the elimination of balls and gifts) in a remarkable group dynamic development. The village became a regional place of pilgrimage with perpetual adoration and 20,000 participants annually. From 1864 to 1874 a larger church was built (with the demolition of the old one, of which today only the choir room known as the "Chapelle des Templiers" remains).


To realize the long-cherished desire for monastic life, Ernest André and a fellow priest completed a novitiate in the Benedictine abbey of Abbaye de la Pierre-Qui-Vire in 1864 and had Bishop Emmanuel-Jules Ravinet (1860-1875) of Troyes dress them as a Benedictine. André took the religious name Emmanuel . The two monks now led a religious life in the village church, to which other priests joined and which was shared with the village community (especially on high festivals). In 1872 a monastery building was built next to the church and a total of five monks moved into it. In 1876 an additional community of sisters was formed, which was dressed in 1878 at the ceremonial inauguration of the new church. She ran a girls' school.

Olivetans and Abbot

From 1880 the monastic community had to struggle with the hostility to monasteries of the Third Republic , but the official incorporation of the convent into the Benedictine branch order of the Olivetans , who were known in France because they had fled from Italy before the Josephine reforms (to various non-permanent places such as Grenoble, Auch , Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges and Soulac-sur-Mer ). After a short novitiate in the Monastero dei Santi Giuseppe e Benedetto in Settignano , Emmanuel André was able to make a regular profession as a Benedictine on August 5, 1886 at the age of almost 60. In 1888 the sisterhood also became Olivetan. After the monastery chapel was completed in 1891, the monks could officially be dressed as Olivetans. In 1892 the monastery was elevated to an abbey and Emmanuel André was appointed abbot.

Secularization and death

Due to the intensification of anti-clericalism in the years 1902–1903, the two convents only had the choice between exile or secularization . Abbot Emmanuel chose the latter. The sisters returned to their families, the monks became secular priests or seminarians again. He himself, who in 1902 was still able to celebrate the golden jubilee of his consecration to Mary Hope, died shortly before the effective dissolution of his Benedictine abbey at the age of 76 in his monastery.

The theologian and his reception

The wide-ranging (and not fully developed) theological work of Ernest and Emmanuel André is still being received (also in German), primarily by traditionalist church circles. Because of the changing first names, because of the surname in first name form and because the author is often simply Père Emmanuel , there is bibliographical confusion. The standard file Virtual International Authority File leads André twice, both under Ernest (12188147) as well as under Emmanuel (56609322).

Father Emmanuel, who had learned Hebrew and Old Syriac, published the magazine Revue de l'Eglise grecque-unie (later: Revue des églises d'Orient ) from 1885 (in addition to a high-quality parish gazette) to support the Catholic Churches in the Near East .

Development of the French olivetans

Emmanuel Andrés student Bernard Maréchaux (1849–1927), who had gone to Rome until 1914, was able to reopen the monastery in 1926. In 1948, the convent under Abbot Paul Grammont (1911-1989) moved to the Abbey of Le Bec (in Le Bec-Hellouin ) for repopulation and in 1976 sent monks to repopulate Mesnil-Saint-Loup, which has since become a monastery with a small one Convention exists again.

In 1946, the convent still located in Mesnil-Saint-Loup founded the Abbaye Notre-Dame de Maylis monastery in Maylis in the Landes department , which was elevated to an abbey in 1948 and still exists today. At all three places (Mesnil-Saint-Loup, Bec-Hellouin and Maylis) there is a Benedictine convent, which also belongs to the Congregation of the Olivetans, in addition to the men’s monastery.

Works (alphabetically)


  • The mystery of the Church of Jesus Christ . Sarto-Verlag, Stuttgart 2011 (with a short biography; foreword by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre ).
  • Feed my flock. Treatise on Church Service . Rex-Regum-Verlag, Jaidhof 2003.
    • Second edition. Association of Friends of the Society of St. Pius X., Gföhl 2013.

French and other languages

  • Catéchisme de la famille chrétienne . Colombes, Dominique Martin Morin 2016.
  • Catéchisme des plus petits enfants . Colombes 1968.
  • Le Chrétien du jour et le chrétien de l'Évangile . Dominique Martin Morin, 1973
  • Le ciel au rabais. Suivi de la prière et de Nécessité de la prière pour le salut . Le Sel, Avrillé 2006.
  • Les deux cités . Dominique Martin Morin, 1973.
  • La Grâce de Dieu et l'ingratitude des hommes . Dominique Martin Morin 1973.
  • Lettres à une mère sur la foi . Dominique Martin Morin 1972.
  • Les Maximes de Saint Benoit or Réponse à la question. Qu'est-ce qu'un monastère bénédictin? Mesnil-Saint-Loup 1880.
  • Méditations pour tous les jours de l'année liturgique . Éditions Sainte-Madeleine, Paris 2004.
  • Le Naturalisme . Dominique Martin Morin 1973.
  • Nouvel Essai sur les Psaumes, étudiés au triple point de vue de la lettre, de l'esprit, et des applications liturgiques . Mesnil-Saint-Loup 1869.
  • Opuscules doctrinaux . Frémont, Troyes 1912.
  • De la présence de Dieu . Frémont, Troyes 1904. Le Sel, Avrillé 2007.
    • Italian: Sulla presenza di Dio. Considerazioni . Palma, Milan 1905.
  • La Sainte Eglise . Clovis, Eguelshardt 1998 (first 1884).
    • German: The mystery of the Church of Jesus Christ (see above)
  • Traité du ministère ecclésiastique . Mesnil-Saint-Loup 1912. La Renaissance, Troyes 1974.
    • German: Pasture my flock (see above)
    • Italian: Sacerdozio e ministero . Cantagalli, Siena 1977. Edizioni L'ulivo, Monte Oliveto Maggiore 1979.
    • English: Ecclesiastical ministry . Sarto House, Kansas City 2000.


  • La divine liturgie de S. Jean Chrysostome , ed. by Placide de Meester. V. Lecoffre, Paris 1907.
  • Les exercices de Sainte Gertrude vierge . Librairie de l'Art catholique, Paris 1919.


  • Paul Broutin: "EMMANUEL (Ernest ANDRÉ), curé du Mesnil-Saint-Loup, 1826-1903". In: Dictionnaire de spiritualité 4, column 620 .
  • Bernard Buchoud: Le Père Emmanuel. L'ardeur de la conversion . Editions du livre ouvert, Mesnil-Saint-Loup 2003.
  • Le père Emmanuel. Pasteur et fondateur à Mesnil-Saint-Loup. Approches historiques . Actes du colloque, Troyes, 14 June 2003. Editions du Livre ouvert, Mesnil-Saint-Loup 2004.
  • Bernard Maréchaux: Le Père Emmanuel. Essai biographique . Éditions Sainte Jeanne d'Arc, Villegenon 2003 (first 1909).
  • Casimiro M. Masetti: Parroco e asceta. Dom Emmanuel André . Edizioni Paoline, Alba 1945.
  • Le sel de la terre 44, 2003. (Journal of the traditionalist Dominican monastery Prieuré de la Haie-aux-Bonshommes in Avrillé (Maine-et-Loire) . Special edition on Père Emmanuel 1826–1903).

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