Emmerich von Offenberg

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Emmerich Johann Baron von Offenberg

Emmerich Johann Baron von Offenberg ( Russian Оффенберг, Иван Петрович Offenberg, Ivan Petrovich , born May 2, jul. / 13. May  1791 greg. In Illien, † February 6 jul. / 18th February  1870 greg. In Mitau ) was a Russian general of the cavalry .


Origin and family

Emmerich was a member of the Courland line of the Barons Offenberg . His parents were the Majoratsherr on Illien Peter Georg von Offenberg (1746-1819) and Julianne, née von Korff (1760-1832). The Russian general of the cavalry Friedrich von Offenberg (1789-1856) and the Russian real secret councilor , chamberlain and head of the domain council in Courland Heinrich Christian Wilhelm von Offenberg (1788-1871) were his brothers.

His marriage to Countess Katharina Repnin-Repninska (1805–1852) in 1833 resulted in two young deceased daughters and two sons.


Offenberg began his career in 1807 as a junker in the Plekauer Dragoon Regiment. He participated with distinction in the defense of the Russian campaign (including in Smolensk , Borodino , Tarutino , Vyazma ) and the Wars of Liberation (including in Leipzig ). In 1815 he was transferred to the Guard Hunters Regiment on Horseback and in 1816 to the Guard Hussars, and in 1819 he was promoted to colonel . From 1823 to 1828 he was commander of the Jamburg Uhlan Regiment, was promoted to major general in 1828 and distinguished himself as a brigade commander in Poland near Warsaw in 1830 . He rose to lieutenant general in 1837 and at the same time became commander of the 3rd Light Cavalry Division. In the Hungarian campaign he was able to excel again and was awarded the Alexander Nevsky Order . From 1849 to 1851 he was the commanding general of the II. Reserve Cavalry Corps and in 1851 advanced to the position of general of the cavalry and a member of the war corps. From 1856 to 1862 he was the commanding general of the reserve cavalry corps and during this time, in 1859, he received the Order of St. Vladimir 1st Class. In 1862 he took over the inspection of the cavalry and was directly attached to the person of the emperor . He had been the 2nd chief of honor of the Mariupol Hussar Regiment since 1861 , which he remained until 1869.

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Notes & individual references

  1. The GGT (FN) names 1792 as the year of birth, Amburger (WL), however, the year 1791.
  2. a b Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of baronial houses , 9th year, Justus Perthes, Gotha 1859, pp. 550– 552 .