Erdmuthe Dorothea von Zinzendorf

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Erdmuthe Dorothea von Zinzendorf

Erdmuthe Dorothea, Countess von Zinzendorf , née Countess Reuss zu Ebersdorf , (born November 7, 1700 in Ebersdorf , † June 19, 1756 in Herrnhut ) was a German pietist and hymn poet.


The daughter of Count Heinrich X. Reuss zu Ebersdorf and Erdmuthe Benigna zu Solms-Laubach enjoyed a pietistic upbringing based on the principles of Philipp Jacob Spener . During a visit by Count Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf on the occasion of the wedding of his friend, Count Heinrich XXIX. In 1721 he met Reuss zu Ebersdorf's sister "Erdmuth" . Zinzendorf, who originally wanted to marry Heinrich's bride, Countess Sophie Theodora zu Castell-Remlingen (1703–1777), married Erdmuthe Dorothea on September 7, 1722 in Ebersdorf. Twelve children, including Renatus von Zinzendorf , emerged from their contentious marriage, which was often characterized by opposing viewpoints .

Erdmuthe, who had learned the economy and administration from her mother, took over the economic management for the property of her husband in Berthelsdorf and the newly founded settlement of Herrnhut . In the congregation she became the head of the sister house, ran an orphanage and acted as housemother. After her husband's first deportation, he transferred the property to her in 1732. Together with Nikolaus von Zinzendorf she traveled to several European countries and after Zinzendorf's renewed deportation she took over the management of the community and administered the assets during his eleven years of exile and intensive travel activities.

After Zinzendorf's return from London in 1755, the couple, who had grown apart during the separation, ran separate households. Erdmuthe, who had been ailing since the death of her last son (1752), lived in Herrnhut while her husband lived in Bethel Castle in Berthelsdorf .

Countess Erdmuthe Dorothea von Zinzendorf composed a number of hymns and made a contribution to the publication of the Moravian slogans .

See also


  • Erika Geiger: Erdmuth Dorothea Countess von Zinzendorf , SCM Hänssler, 3rd edition, Holzgerlingen 2009, ISBN 978-3-7751-4825-2
  • Wilhelm Jannasch: Erdmuthe Dorothea Countess von Zinzendorf, née Countess Reuss zu Plauen, portrayed her life as a contribution to the history of Pietism and the Brethren. Herrnhut: Association f. Brother history; Gnadau: Unitätsbuchhandlung 1915. (Journal for Brethren History; year 8, 1914; also Heidelberg, Theol. Diss., 1914)
  • Karl Friedrich Ledderhose: Life and Songs of Countess Erdmuth Dorothea v. Zinzendorf, b. Countess v. Reuss. Gütersloh 1887 ( ULB Münster )
  • Georg BrücknerErdmuthe Dorothea . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 6, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1877, p. 193 f.

Web links

Commons : Erdmuthe Dorothea von Zinzendorf  - Collection of images, videos and audio files