Erich Baeumer

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Erich Baeumer (born April 13 or 14, 1897 in Geisweid ; † November 30, 1972 in Hüttental ) was a German country doctor and behavioral scientist .


The different information on Baeumer's date of birth can be traced back to different sources, once on a short biography (13.4.) And another time on Baeumer's own information in his denazification file (14.4.). Baeumer studied medicine at the University of Marburg . There he received his doctorate in 1923 with a dissertation on the subject of an apparatus for treating the apparent death of newborns . In the same year he married Helene Margarethe Fick.

After the entry ban came into force in 1933, he joined the NSDAP in 1937 (membership number 5,299,166). Since 1933 he was a member of the National Socialist Motor Vehicle Corps and a relay doctor there, a professional member of the National Socialist German Medical Association and, since 1934, a doctor at the Siegen Hereditary Health Court , which had to decide the hereditary health value of those presented there according to the law for the prevention of genetically ill offspring . In the Second World War he was recalled after a short period of service as a medical officer, according to his own statements, to provide medical care for the population. He witnessed the air raid on Siegen on December 16, 1944. He wrote a report about this event in 1950.

After the war, Baeumer worked as a country doctor and obstetrician in Weidenau . Since 1960 he has been an External Scientific Member of the Max Planck Society and external employee of the Max Planck Institute for Behavioral Physiology in Seewiesen . Erich von Holst brought him to the MPI because of his research on chickens. In 1964 he published his book “Das dumme Huhn - Behavior of the domestic chicken”, in which he put down his 50 years of research on the “language” of chickens and that under the title Lo stupido pollo? has been translated into Italian. Baeumer coined the term plus-minus order for domesticated chickens, which Konrad Lorenz also used as part of his research on the communication behavior of gray geese.

His house with chicken coops in Siegen at Weidenauer Strasse 88, built for him in 1925, was added to the city of Siegen 's list of monuments in 2012 as architectural monument no.131 .


  • Via an apparatus used to treat the pseudo death of newborns. Med. Diss., Marburg 1923.
  • North Pole Richard 4: From the bombing and bunker times in Siegerland 1944 - 1945 (Siegerland contributions to history and regional studies, issue 3), self-published by Siegerland Heimatverein 1950, Siegen 1950
  • Way of life of the domestic chicken. In: Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie . 1955 pp. 387-401
  • Behavioral study of the domestic chicken - its way of life. In: Zeitschrift für Tierpsychologie. 1959, Part 2, pp. 284-296
  • The stupid chicken - behavior of the domestic chicken. (Kosmos Library, Vol. 242), Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, Stuttgart 1964
    • Lo stupido pollo? Edagricole, Bologna 1967, translated by Luciano Rinaldi


  • Otto Renkhoff : Nassau biography. Short biographies from 13 centuries, self-published by the Historical Commission for Nassau, Wiesbaden 1985, ISBN 3-922244-68-8 , p. 15

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Otto Renkhoff : Nassau biography. Short biographies from 13 centuries, self-published by the Historical Commission for Nassau, Wiesbaden, 1985, p. 15.
  2. Regional personal lexicon on National Socialism in the old districts of Siegen and Wittgenstein, article Erich Baeumer .
  3. Family research in the Siegerland "Erich Bäumer" .
  4. ^ Ulrich Opfermann , Siegerland and Wittgenstein under National Socialism: people, data, literature; a handbook on regional contemporary history , Geschichtswerkstatt Siegen 2001 Online version made available by the VVN-BdA Siegerland-Wittgenstein as a regional personal dictionary on National Socialism in the old districts of Siegen and Wittgenstein
  5. 66th Anniversary - Bombs on Siegen at
  6. Nordpol-Richard 4: From the bombing and bunker times in Siegerland 1944 - 1945 (Siegerland Contributions to History and Regional Studies, volume 3), self-published by the Siegerland Homeland Association 1950, Siegen 1950.
  7. a b chickens. Message from the egg , in Der Spiegel 8/1964 of February 19, 1964
  8. Erich Baeumer: Behavioral study on the domestic chicken - its way of life, 2nd part. December 1959.
  9. Konrad Lorenz : The research method of biology, in particular ethology, in: ders. Comparative behavior research. Basics of ethology. 1978, p. 45 [1]
  10. Erich Bäumer in Der Spiegel 3/1964 of January 15, 1964
  11. Volkmar Ellmauthaler: Analytical group work after Michael Balint. 2003.
  12. ^ City of Siegen, Lower Monument Authority, Public Directory of Architectural Monuments, index card no.131: Weidenauer Str. 88