Erich Opitz (gynecologist)

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Erich Opitz

Erich Carl Otto Opitz (born October 31, 1871 in Breslau , † September 12, 1926 in Garmisch ) was a German gynecologist.


As the son of a factory owner in Breslau, Opitz first studied mathematics and natural sciences at the Silesian Friedrich Wilhelms University . In 1889 he became a member of the Corps Borussia Breslau . He soon switched to medicine and studied at the Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg , the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg , in Breslau and at the Christian Albrechts University in Kiel . After the state examination, he first turned to hygiene in Breslau and Munich , where Carl Flügge and Hans Buchner were among his teachers. He received his gynecological training from Otto Küstner in Breslau and from Robert von Olshausen in Berlin. Habilitated there since 1902 , he was appointed professor at the Philipps University of Marburg in 1903 . In 1907 he followed the call of the Düsseldorf Academy for Practical Medicine to the Chair of Gynecology and Obstetrics . In 1912 he moved to Giessen , in the summer of 1918, still during World War I , to Freiburg.

On a vacation trip in the Tyrolean mountains he suffered a traffic accident near Berchtesgaden , the consequences of which he succumbed in Garmisch at the age of 55. One of his sons is Erich Opitz (physiologist) .

Opitz was a privy councilor .

He was the editor of the journal Deutsche Frauenheilkunde . In the last years of his life he mainly devoted himself to gynecological oncology .


  • Carl amount , Erich Opitz (ed.): Handbook of gynecology for doctors and students . Wiesbaden 1913

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Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 18/635.