Erich Pfisterer

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Erich Pfisterer and State Secretary Paul Vohwinkel at the award of the Federal Cross of Merit to Pfisterer in the Colombi Hotel (1968)

Erich Pfisterer (born October 2, 1910 in Dortmund ; † February 13, 1981 in Freiburg im Breisgau ) was a German engineer and hydropower plant builder .


Erich Pfisterer passed the Abitur in Karlsruhe in 1929 and studied civil engineering at the Technical University of Karlsruhe , specializing in hydraulic engineering. In 1934 he passed his exam. He then studied economics in Karlsruhe and at the Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg . From 1934 to 1937 he was a construction referenda for the Deutsche Reichsbahn and various water management and road construction offices. He then got a job as a district planner at the Baden state planning office in Freiburg, interrupted by military service as a pioneer officer in World War II . He received his doctorate in 1943 .

He played a key role in the construction of the Witznau and Waldshut pumped storage power plants for Schluchseewerk AG . In 1956 he became a board member of the AG and the Rheinkraftwerk Albbruck-Dogern AG . In this role he played a key role in the construction of the various stages of the Wehrs power plant and the Bad Säckingen cavern power plant, the first of its kind in Germany. In 1968 he was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit, 1st class .

In 1972 he taught at the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen and as an honorary professor at the TU Berlin .

During his long career he wrote a number of publications on the construction of hydropower plants.

Works (selection)

Entire fonts

  • Contributions to reorganization in reconstruction communities in the southern Upper Rhine region . Dissertation: Freiburg im Breisgau, legal a. political science faculty 1943 (dissertation)
  • Pumped storage plants: characteristics as well as technical and economic possibilities (German and English), report UNIPEDE Congress 1964 in Stockholm
  • Schluchseewerk AG, Hotzenwaldwerk lower level Säckingen . Gräfelfing: energy industry u. Technik Verlags-Gesellschaft 1968.
  • Hotzenwaldwerk lower level Säckingen . Gräfelfing: energy industry u. Technik Verlags-Gesellschaft 1978.


  • Corrosion protection in hydraulic steel construction In: Elektrizitätswirtschaft, 1955
  • Development of the hydropower , in: Energie von heute, 1956
  • The construction work for the lower level of the Hotzenwaldwerk , In: Die Wasserwirtschaft, 1965
  • Findings from filter penetration tests in rheological and technological terms for the use of bituminous binders in hydraulic engineering . In: Publications of the Institute for Soil Mechanics and Rock Mechanics of the University of Fridericiana in Karlsruhe, issue 58. 1974


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Badische Biographien NF 2 , 216–218 Online: [1]
  2. Pfisterer, Erich. Regional studies of Baden-Württemberg, accessed on April 18, 2013 .