Erich von Pochhammer

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Erich Victor von Pochhammer (born April 26, 1860 in Stralsund , † October 4, 1914 in the Argonne south of Apremont) was a Prussian major general .


Pochhammer was the youngest of four children of the Prussian major and tax councilor Viktor von Pochhammer (1821-1890) and his wife Berta Friederike Louise, née Kolbe (* 1832), and the grandson of the Prussian Lieutenant General Wilhelm von Pochhammer . He attended elementary school, then high school in Aachen and passed his Abitur at Friedrichswerder high school in Berlin . On September 28, 1878, Pochhammer joined the Guard Fusilier Regiment of the Prussian Army as a three-year-old volunteer with the prospect of promotion . There he was promoted to second lieutenant on February 14, 1880 and used as a battalion adjutant from October 1, 1885 to February 28, 1889. From April 1, 1889 to March 31, 1892, Pochhammer served as a regimental adjutant.

In the further course of his military career he rose with the promotion to colonel on January 27, 1912 to commander of the 6th Rhenish Infantry Regiment No. 68 in Koblenz .


He led this regiment when the First World War broke out . During the fighting on the Western Front , Pochhammer was seriously wounded on 23 August 1914 near Bievre in the left hip and arm. During his stay in the hospital he was promoted to major general on August 27, 1914 and shortly thereafter awarded the Iron Cross, 2nd class. On September 17, was appointed commander of the 68th Infantry Brigade . On October 4, 1914, Pochhammer was fatally hit by an infantry shell during the attack by his brigade in the Argonne south of Apremont and was initially buried near Bagatelle. On June 23, 1915, he was transferred to Berlin and buried Pochhammer in the old garrison cemetery .

His son was the diplomat Wilhelm von Pochhammer .


  • Kurt von Priesdorff : Officer master list of the Grenadier Regiment King Friedrich Wilhelm IV. (1st Pomeranian) No. 2. ES Mittler & Sohn , Berlin 1906, pp. 545-546.
  • Paul Großmann, Rudolf Maywald: Stammliste of officers, medical officers and officials of the 6th Rhenish Infantry Regiment No. 68 from July 4, 1860 to April 30, 1919. Berlin 1924, p. 122.
  • Handbook of the Prussian Nobility . Volume 1, 1892, p. 459.
  • Tilo Wahl: On the death of the German officer corps in the First World War - Part 4: The medal buckle of Major General Erich von Pochhammer . In: Orders and Medals. The magazine for friends of phaleristics , publisher: German Society for Ordenskunde , issue 112, 19th year, Gäufelden 2017. ISSN 1438-3772.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Günter Wegmann (Ed.), Günter Wegner: Formation history and staffing of the German armed forces 1815-1990. Part 1: Occupation of the German armies 1815–1939. Volume 2: The staffing of the active infantry regiments as well as the hunter and machine gun battalions, military district commands and training managers from the foundation or list until 1939. Biblio Verlag, Osnabrück 1992, ISBN 3-7648-1782-8 , p. 186.
  2. Dermot Bradley (Ed.), Günter Wegner: Occupation of the German Army 1815-1939. Volume 1: The higher command posts 1815-1939. Biblio Verlag, Osnabrück 1990, ISBN 3-7648-1780-1 , p. 298.
  3. Dieter E. Kilian: Adenauer's forgotten savior - Major Fritz Schliebusch. Books on Demand, 2009, ISBN 3-937885-44-7 , p. 125 ( online )