Ernest Karlowitsch Dresen

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Ernest Karlowitsch Dresen ; Russian : Эрнест Карлович Дрезен , Esperanto : Ernest Karloviĉ Drezen; (* November 14, 1892 in Libau , Russian Empire ; † October 27, 1937 in the Soviet Union ) was a Latvian / Russian - Soviet interlinguist and Esperantist , an outstanding specialist in scientific and technical terminology , General Secretary of the Sovetlanda Esperantista Unuiĝo (SEU, Soviet Esperanto Association) and an important figure in the pre-war Soviet Esperanto movement.


Dresen attended secondary school in Kronstadt and the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute , where he was actively involved in an Esperanto student group. From 1915 to 1917 he served as an ensign in the Russian Army and from 1918 to 1921 he held various posts in the Red Army . In 1918 he joined the Communist Party of Russia . From 1921 to 1924 he worked in the All-Russian Central Executive Committee . From 1926 to 1930 he was head of the Institute of Communication (post, telegraphy, telephone, radio), later deputy head of the Orgenergo concern, special editor of the publishing house for administrative technology, professor at Moscow University and various technical universities, board member of the Soviet Society for Cultural Relations abroad (WOKS, Всесоюзное общество культурной связи с заграницей ) etc.

Dresen became an Esperantist in 1910. From 1917 to 1919 he was chairman of the Petersburg society Espero ("Hope") and in 1919 one of the co-founders of the ESKI ( Esperanta Sekcio de la Tria Komunista Internacio , Esperanto Section of the Communist International ).

At the Third All-Russian Esperantist Congress in Petrograd in 1921 he became General Secretary of the newly founded Sovetlanda Esperantista Unuiĝo (SEU). Sergei Kuznetsov writes in his foreword to Historio de la mondolingvo that Dresen built the SEU as a centralized organization with strict discipline and combative ideology, more like a communist party than a linguistic or cultural association. Initially, the SEU was part of the Sennacieca Asocio Tutmonda , but left it in 1932 after a conflict with Eugène Lanti and founded the Internacio de Proleta Esperantistaro (IPE, International of Proletarian Esperanto Associations).

On April 17, 1937, Dresen was arrested on the false charge of having founded and directed an anti-Soviet terrorist organization made up of Esperantists in order to carry out acts of terrorist sabotage and espionage for Germany, sentenced to death and shot on October 27, 1937. On May 11, 1957, he was rehabilitated.


In 1936, Dresen approved the establishment of an international terminology expert group (today's ISO / TC 37 ) within the framework of an international standardization organization (today's International Organization for Standardization , ISO). He headed the translation of Eugen Wüster's German dissertation from 1931 into Russian, which appeared in 1934, founded the scientific terminology and, on a Soviet proposal, resulted in the establishment of the ISO.


  • Historio de la mondolingvo 1931.
  • Analiza Historio de la Esperanto-Movado 1931.
  • Sketch pri teorio de Esperanto 1931.
  • Zamenhof - bioideologia studo , SAT 1929.
  • La Vojo de formiĝo kaj disvastiĝo de la lingvo internacia , SAT 1929.
  • Pri problemo de internaciigo de science-teknika terminaro. Historio, nuna stato kaj perspective , Saarbrücken 1983.

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