Ernst Grimsehl

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Karl Ernst Heinrich Grimsehl (born August 6, 1861 in Hanover ; † October 30, 1914 at Langemarck ) was a German educator and physicist.


Grimsehl studied physics and mathematics in Hanover and worked as an assistant teacher at the Johanneum School of Scholars in Hamburg from 1885 . In 1892 he was a teacher in Cuxhaven . In 1909 he published the textbook for physics . This book established his reputation as a physics teacher and was published in new editions for decades. There was a translation into English and even a Chinese edition in 1954. In 1908 he became the first director of the newly founded Uhlenhorst-Barmbek grammar school. In 1910, Grimsehl took part in the world exhibition in Brussels and demonstrated school exercise equipment there. His demands on the students were expressed in a speech when he said: “Those who are not satisfied with average performance always find their place in life; the world is only full on average people. "

As much as Grimsehl encouraged modern pedagogical methods in science lessons such as independent student experiments, he was also a patriot and convinced of military virtues that, at the age of 53, he volunteered for military service after the outbreak of World War I and three months later in the Died as a captain near Langemark in October 1914 .

One of Grimsehl's closest collaborators was the textbook author Karl Hahn (1879–1963), who received his doctorate in physics and was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Gießen in 1959. He came to the Oberrealschule auf der Uhlenhorst in 1912, mediated by Grimsehl, and was elected headmaster there in 1920 (Hahn joined the Nazi teachers' association in 1935 and soon afterwards became the realm physics clerk). Its school books were used in the classroom well into the 1960s.


  • The Grimsehlweg in Cuxhaven was named after him.

Fonts (selection)

  • Physics textbook. Leipzig / Berlin 1909
  • Revisions:
    • Physics textbook in two volumes , published by BG Teubner Leipzig - Berlin 1920 (edited by W. Hillers and H. Starke)
    • Physics textbook for the upper level of higher education (1937)
    • Physics textbook for higher education institutions ; reworked by Germann - Schumm. Ernst Klett, Stuttgart 1952.
    • Physics textbook, volume 1, mechanics, acoustics, heat theory by Ernst Grimsehl, Walter Schallreuter and K. Altenburg (1991)
  • Didactics and methodology of physics (1911)
  • Physics textbook for secondary schools. Leipzig 1911.
  • Physical tables for use in teaching and physical practice (1916)


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Jörg Willer: Didactics in the Third Reich using the example of physics. In: Medical historical messages. Journal for the history of science and specialist prose research. Volume 34, 2015, ISBN 978-3-86888-118-9 , pp. 105–121, here: pp. 116–119.