Ernst Haselwanter

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Ernst Haselwanter (born January 1, 1920 in Wörgl ; † October 1, 2003 in Bregenz ) was an Austrian politician ( SPÖ ) and chamber secretary. From 1959 to 1965 he was a member of the Austrian National Council .

education and profession

Ernst Haselwanter was born on January 1st, 1920 in Wörgl in the state of Tyrol , the son of the detective Michael Haselwanter and his wife Maria. After compulsory school he attended the commercial academy in Innsbruck , where he graduated from high school in 1939 . Then he began studying economics at the University of Innsbruck on and graduated first in 1946 with the graduation to graduate in economics from. 1947 was followed by the promotion of Doctor of Economics ( Dr.rer.oec. ). From 1947 Haselwanter was a chamber functionary of the Chamber of Labor and initially education officer of the Feldkirch Chamber of Labor and the state executive of the ÖGB Vorarlberg. As such, he was responsible for the development and expansion of the course and library system of the Chamber of Labor. In 1976 Ernst Haselwanter was appointed director of the Chamber Office, which he remained until his retirement in 1986. After his retirement, Haselwanter became the ombudsman for Vorarlberger Nachrichten in 1986 .

Ernst Haselwanter was married to Grete (née Hutle) and the father of three children.

Political career

While still a student himself Haselwanter 1946/47 hired as a committee member of the Student Union Innsbruck. In 1947 he joined the trade union and became an education officer for the ÖGB state executive in Vorarlberg. He was also the district chairman of the parliamentary group of socialist trade unionists and chairman of the control of Vorarlberger Volkshilfe . In 1950 Haselwanter was elected to the city ​​council of Bregenz for the first time , where he was politically active for the SPÖ until 1959.

After the National Council election in 1959 , in which Ernst Haselwanter ran for the SPÖ in constituency III (Upper Austria, Salzburg, Tyrol and Vorarlberg), he was sworn in for the first time as a member of the Austrian National Council on June 9, 1959. He belonged in the IX. Legislative period of the National Council as a member of the teaching committee and other committees as a substitute member. Also in the National Council election in 1962 Haselwanter was re-elected to the National Council, where from December 13, 1962 he was a member of the Committee for Agriculture and Forestry, the Education Committee and the Committee for Transport and Electricity Management.

As part of the Fußach affair , Haselwanter came into public discussion as a member of the SPÖ National Council from Vorarlberg and a member of the Committee on Transport and Electricity. He then complained to the National Council that he and his family were being threatened and receiving anonymous calls. In February 1965, he therefore announced that he would resign from his National Council mandate, which also happened on March 2, 1965. His successor in the National Council was subsequently Roman Heinz .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Walter Zirker: Vorarlberger in Parliament and Government. An encyclopedia of politicians from Frankfurt am Main, Kremsier, Vienna, Strasbourg, Luxembourg and Brussels (1848-2000) (= Association for Vorarlberg Educational and Student History [Ed.]: Alemannia Studens. Communications from the Association for Vorarlberger Bildungs - and student history . Special volume 6). S.Roderer , Regensburg 2001, ISBN 3-89783-400-6 , p. 232–234 ( full text as PDF on the Vorarlberger Landesarchiv website ).