Ernst Majer-Leonhard

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Ernst Majer-Leonhard (born July 13, 1889 in Frankfurt am Main ; † July 9, 1966 in Falkenstein im Taunus ) was a German educator and senior director of studies.


Monument on the property of the demolished "old school" on Klärchenweg in Königstein.

Majer-Leonhard attended the Lessing-Gymnasium in Frankfurt am Main, where he passed the Abitur examination in 1908. He then studied classical languages, ancient art and Protestant Religion in Munich , where he in 1913 to Dr. phil. received his doctorate. During the First World War he served in the War History Department of the General Staff .

After 1918 he was one of the founders of the student popular education movement and was committed to workers' education . He held regular lectures for the Frankfurter Bund für Volksbildung and was educational advisor to the Frankfurter Zeitung until 1938 . In 1921 he was short Assessor time teacher at the Goethe-Gymnasium , but moved in the same year to the classical language Lessing-Gymnasium. There he became director in 1926 as successor to Friedrich Neubauer . He was the first native of Frankfurt in this office.

Majer-Leonhard wanted to promote the humanistic educational ideal of this traditional Frankfurt grammar school by combining it with the thoughts of the Prussian school reformers. During his tenure, the school was one of the first Frankfurt grammar schools to accept girls. After the National Socialist seizure of power, Majer-Leonhard opposed the Gleichschaltung . Because of his friendliness towards Jews and because of the performance of a school opera by Paul Hindemith , the school authorities transferred him to the Reform High School in Höchst in 1933 , and forced him into retirement in 1937.

Thereafter, Majer-Leonhard went on extensive study trips and worked at times at the Hermann Lietz schools on Spiekeroog and in Bieberstein Castle . After the end of the war, he founded the Taunusgymnasium in Königstein im Taunus in 1945 , which he headed until his retirement in 1957. On May 30, 1959 he received the Federal Cross of Merit, 1st class.

Majer-Leonhard is buried in the Frankfurt main cemetery.


  • Ernst Majer-Leonhard: Agrammatoi in Aegyto qui Litteras Sciverint Qui Nesciverint Ex Papyris Graecis Quantum Fieri Potest Exploratur puis prima Seorsum Expressa , Noske, 1913
  • Ernst Majer-Leonhard: The young person in the Platonic Phaidon , Englert and Schlosser, 1926
  • Ernst Majer-Leonhard: Fifty years of amateur play of the youth , Lutzeyer, 1957
  • Rudolf Bonnet, The Lessing Gymnasium in Frankfurt am Main. Teacher and pupil 1897–1947. Waldemar Kramer publishing house, Frankfurt am Main 1954.
  • Wolfgang Klötzer (Hrsg.): Frankfurter Biographie . Personal history lexicon . Second volume. M – Z (=  publications of the Frankfurt Historical Commission . Volume XIX , no. 2 ). Waldemar Kramer, Frankfurt am Main 1996, ISBN 3-7829-0459-1 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Office of the Federal President